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Mémoire de Maîtrise
Nom complet
Antonio Marcos Vila
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
São Carlos, 1976
Ize, Antonio Fernandes (Président)
Favaro, Luiz Antonio
Molfetta, Natalino Adelmo de
Titre en portugais
Mots-clés en portugais
Não disponível
Resumé en portugais
Não disponível
Titre en anglais
Comparison Theorems and Applications to Stability of Asymptotically SelfInvariant Sets
Mots-clés en anglais
Not available
Resumé en anglais
In many problems, like those relative to adaptive control systems, it is necessary to consider the stability of sets which are not self-invariant in the usual sense. To describe such situations, La Salle and Rath, in 1963, introduced the notion of eventual stability. Later, in 1965, Lakshimikantham and Leela [8.b], stablished the notion of asymptotically self - invariant set and obtained some results on stability of such sets. Roughly speaking, an asymptotically self-invariant set is invariant only if the solutions of the given differential equation start at an infinite time. Recently, Bernfeld, Lakshimikantham and Leela [1], based on a paper of Rashbaev [On the stability of first approximation of solutions of a system of differential equations with retarded arguments - Isv. Akad. Nauk - SSSR5 - 1971 - pp 63/66] extended Rashbaev's investigations to perturbed functional differential equations presupposing that the unperturbed equation.presents some non-uniform exponential asymptotic stability property relative to an asymptotically self-invariant set φ =0. In this work, our main objective is to extend the results obtained by Bernfeld, Lakshimikantham and Leela to perturbed functional differential equations of neutral type: d/dt D((t,yt) = f(t,yt) + R(t,yt), for which the operator D(t,φ is defined by DE(t, φ) =φ (0) - g (t,φ), where (g(t,φ) is linear in φ, following Hale [4a] , Izê [5] and , Onúchic [10] .
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