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Thèse de Doctorat
Nom complet
Claudio Martins Mendes
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
São Carlos, 1981
Favaro, Luiz Antonio (Président)
Leme, Brasil Terra
Loibel, Gilberto Francisco
Mercuri, Francesco
Tadini, Wilson Mauricio
Titre en portugais
Mots-clés en portugais
Não disponível
Resumé en portugais
Não disponível
Titre en anglais
Mots-clés en anglais
Not available
Resumé en anglais
This work is concerned to study a kind of stability for mappings f : M → N, preserving the stratification defined by ψ : M → Q, which we call ψ-stability. We say that f,g : M → N are ψ-equivalents if there are diffeomorphisms h : M → M and k : N x Q → N x Q, which k(y,q) = (k1(y,q),k2(q)), such that (g,ψ) = k0(f,ψ)0h. And f is ψ-stable, if for all g sufficient near to f (in the Whitney's topology), follows that g and f are ψ-equivalents. If M ande N are compact and ψ: M → Q stable, the above definition is equivalent to the stability of the diagram M (f, ψ) > N x Q π > Q; also locally those concepts agree. The main objective is to characterize the ψ-stability when N is not compact, in particular to study RP < ψ f > Rn, M compact, which deep results on R < ψ M f > R, R < ψ M f > R2 < ψ M f > R. Finally, local forms are given in the cases R, 0 < ψ Rn, 0 f > R, 0 R2,0 < ψ R2, 0 f > R, 0, R, 0 < ψ R2, 0 f > R2, 0 and R, 0 < f Rn, 0 g > Rn, 0 R, 0.
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