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Disertación de Maestría
Nombre completo
Gustavo Padilha Polleti
Dirección Electrónica
Área de Conocimiento
Fecha de Defensa
São Paulo, 2022
Cozman, Fabio Gagliardi (Presidente)
Pinhanez, Claudio Santos
Roman, Norton Trevisan
Título en portugués
Geração de explicações para sistemas de recomendação conversacionais baseados em embeddings de conhecimento.
Palabras clave en portugués
Aprendizado computacional
Grafo de conhecimento
Sistema de recomendação conversacional
Resumen en portugués
Sem Resumo
Título en inglés
Explanation generation for conversational recommendation systems based on knowledge embeddings.
Palabras clave en inglés
Conversational recommendation system
Knowledge embedding
Knowledge graph
Recommendation system
Resumen en inglés
Conversational agents or chatbots are increasingly employed in commercial applications to answer questions and to recommend items. Despite their success, they usually behave as black-boxes from the user perspective, typically failing to produce high quality human-computer interactions. Thus interpretability is a major concern for the next generation of recommendation systems. This work addresses challenges related to the development of a recommendation system that can explain its own suggestions. Furthermore, this work evaluates the impact of dierent explanation generation techniques both in simulated interactions and in tests with human subjects. This work present novel model-agnostic methods that address challenges of explanation generation in the context of knowledge embedding based conversational recommendation systems, such as: explanation delity, graph incompleteness, time to response constraints and reasons against generation. Finally, this research evaluates the technical feasibility of such methods with simulated experiments and shows preliminary on user perception of the generated explanations.
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