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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Zan Mustacchi
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2002
Giannella Neto, Daniel (President)
Campa, Ana
Kim, Chong Ae
Krebs, Vera Lúcia Jornada
Passos-Bueno, Maria Rita
Title in Portuguese
Curvas padrão pôndero-estatural de portadores de Síndrome de Down procedentes da região urbana da cidade de São Paulo
Keywords in Portuguese
Curvas de crescimento
DNPM - Desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor
Perímetro cefálico
População Brasileira com síndrome de Down
População pediátrica
Sindrome de Down
Trissomia do 21
Abstract in Portuguese
De fato, por não existir um levantamento antropométrico de crianças com síndrome de Down no Brasil, foi realizado em São Paulo um estudo biométrico prospectivo que permitiu a elaboração de curvas antropométricas avaliando taxas de peso, estatura e perímetro cefálico elaboradas por tabelas e gráficos com valores lapidados de 4 percentis de dois grupos etários de ambos os sexos divididos de 0-24 meses e de 2-8 anos respectivamente.o estudo considerou e excluiu, quando pertinente, fatores ambientais ou genéticos paralelos que eventualmente pudessem interferir nas variáveis avaliadas. A ampla revisão bibliográfica e a comparação dos dados antropométricos permitiram enfatizar a importância de curvas padrões nacionais para estatura, peso e perímetro cefálico de crianças com síndrome de Down, facilitando o diagnóstico diferencial entre outros comprometimentos clínicos, auxiliando na intervenção clínico-Iaboratorial, na prevenção e acompanhamento médico.
Title in English
Growth charts (standard grown curves) of children with down Syndrome deriving from São Paulo's Urban area
Keywords in English
Cephalic perimeter
Curves for weight
Down's Syndrome
Down's Syndrome in Brazil
Abstract in English
Considerint that there is any anthropometrical evaluation in children with Down's syndrome in Brazil, the objective of this prospective biometric investigation was to construct anthropometrical curves for weight, stature and cephalic perimeter in children with Down' s syndrome living in São Paulo urban area. Ali measurements were obtained from January 1980 to December 1999. Ali height or cephalic perimeter values 10% below or above and weight values 16% below or above of the 1st and 3rd quartile were excluded. Tables for each sex during 0-24 months and 2-8 years were presented in mean, standard deviations, percentiles and quartiles and graphics were presented in percitiles. Environmental and genetic factors associated that could interfere in development were identified and the proband excluded from the sample. The employing of a national pattem curve of stature, weight and cephalic perimeter for individuaIs with Down' s syndrome would be useful in differential diagnosis among other clinical disorders associated to this genetic malformation providing better clinical intervention and prevention of comorbidity.
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