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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Ellen Cristina Miranda Lacerda
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2017
Gimenes, Luciana Jandelli (President)
Bononi, Vera Lúcia Ramos
Correa, Benedito
Machado, Kátia Maria Gomes
Title in Portuguese
Avaliação do potencial de biorremediação por fungos filamentosos presentes em áreas de processamento de cobre.
Keywords in Portuguese
Remoção de íons
Abstract in Portuguese
A interação entre fungos e metais, utilizada pela biorremediação, pode resultar na remoção do metal de locais ou resíduos contaminados. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram investigar a tolerância e o comportamento de nove espécies de fungos isolados de local contaminado com Cu2+ e avaliar a capacidade de remoção de Cu2+ daquela com resistência diferenciada. A partir da inoculação em meio de cultura batata dextrose ágar acrescido de diferentes concentrações de Cu2+, o crescimento e a macromorfologia foram analisados. P. ochrochloron demonstrou tolerância distinta e foi selecionada para os testes de remoção, com variação da concentração de Cu2+ e do tempo de contato. Tanto a biomassa morta, seca e pulverizada quanto a biomassa em crescimento foram capazes de interagir com o Cu2+, embora a capacidade de remoção e a quantidade de Cu2+ removido tenham sido superiores pela biomassa morta. Ficou evidente que os fungos apresentam potencial a ser explorado, sendo importante o avanço de pesquisas nesse campo para o desenvolvimento de eficientes processos de biorremediação.
Title in English
Evaluation of the bioremediation potential by filamentous fungi present in copper processing sites.
Keywords in English
Removal of ions
Abstract in English
The interaction between fungi and metals, used by bioremediation, can result in metal removal from contaminated sites or waste. The aim of this work was to investigate the tolerance and the behaviour of nine fungal species isolated from a Cu2+ contaminated site and to evaluate the Cu2+ removal capacity by species with differentiated resistance. From the inoculation in potato dextrose agar culture medium added with different Cu2+ concentrations, the growth and the macromorphology were analyzed. P. ochrochloron demonstrated distinct tolerance and was selected for the removal tests, with variation of Cu2+ concentration and contact time. The dead, dry and pulverized biomass as well as the growing biomass were able to interact with Cu2+, although the removal capacity and the amount of removed Cu2+ have been higher by the dead biomass. It was evident that the fungi have potential to be explored, being the advancement of researches in this field important for the development of efficient bioremediation processes.
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