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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Fabio Faldini
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2019
Araújo, Reginaldo Gomes de (President)
Amâncio, Moacir Aparecido
Carvalho, Francisco de Assis Moreno de
Oliveira, Leopoldo Osorio Carvalho de
Title in Portuguese
Um estudo das ideias linguísticas em torno das אהוי no Hebraico de Abussahal (séc. X) até Abudiente (séc. XVII)
Keywords in Portuguese
Nação Portuguesa
Sefer Yetsirá
Abstract in Portuguese
O objetivo da presente tese é identificar as ideias linguísticas que foram elaboradas em torno das אהוי no hebraico do Tanaḵ / תנ"ך a partir do momento em que elas emergem do comentário de Dunaš ibn Tamīm ʾAbū Sahl / דונש אבן תמים אבוסהל (séc. X) ao Sēp̄er Yəṣirā / ספר יצירה até serem recebidas na Gramatica Hebraica (séc. XVII) de Moseh filho de Gidhon Abudiente que foi a primeira do gênero a ser impressa em língua portuguesa. Mais especificamente foi analisado: (a) o valor fonológico das אהוי nos verbos fracos e defectivos; (b) a interação das אהוי com as בגדכפת e com as letras restantes do alfabeto hebraico; (c) a sobreposição das vogais tiberienses às אהוי de acordo com a tradição andaluza; e (d) os homófonos. Foi demonstrado que as אהוי eram interpretadas como letras mudas, porém: (a) como Dunaš ibn Tamīm ʾAbū Sahl / דונש אבן תמים אבוסהל, em seu comentário ao Sēp̄er Yəṣirā / ספר יצירה, foi o primeiro a associá-las às mães da fala e qualificá-las como letras fracas; (b) como Mənaḥēm bēn Saruq / מנחם בן סרוק no Maḥbereṯ Mənaḥēm / מחברת מנחם ofereceu as primeiras especulações linguísticas em torno das אהוי; (c) como um Saussure judeu, Ḥayyūj / 'חיוג elevou as ideias embrionárias de Mənaḥēm / מנחם ao seu apogeu no Kitāb ʾal-Līn / כתאב אללין; (d) como os Qimḥi / קמחי, apesar de ampliarem e difundirem as conquistas alcançadas pelos linguistas andaluzes, tolheram a robustez das ideias linguísticas de Ḥayyūj / 'חיוג em suas respectivas obras o Sēp̄er Zikkārōn / ספר זכרון, o Sēp̄er Mahălaḵ / ספר מהלך e o Miḵlōl / מכלול; (e) como nos ensinamentos do Rabino Yiṣḥāq ʿUzziʾēl / עוזיאל יצחק registradas no Maʿănēh Lāšōn / מענה לשון editado por Yiṣḥāq Neḥemiyāh / נחמיה יצחק e no Məleʾḵeṯ haDiqdūq / מלאכת הדקדוק de Aboab, as ideias linguísticas em torno das אהוי começaram a perder espaço para explicações baseadas na grafemática; e (f) como Abudiente na Gramatica Hebraica expandiu o emprego das explicações baseadas na grafemática diminuindo o protagonismo das אהוי.
Title in English
A study of linguistics ideas on the אהוי in Hebrew Language from Abussahal (10th century) to Abudiente (17th century)
Keywords in English
Nação Portuguesa
Sefer Yetsirah
Abstract in English
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the linguistics ideas elaborated on the אהוי in Biblical Hebrew from the moment they emerged from the commentary on Sēp̄er Yəṣirā / ספר יצירה by Dunaš ibn Tamīm ʾAbū Sahl / דונש אבן תמים אבוסהל (10th century) until they were received in the Gramatica Hebraica (17th century) by Moseh son of Gidhon Abudiente’s, which was the first of its kind to be printed in Portuguese. More specifically, we analyzed: (a) the phonological value of אהוי in weak and defective verbs; (b) the interaction of the אהוי with the בגדכפת and with the remaining letters of the Hebrew alphabet; (c) the overlapping of the Tiberian vowels on אהוי according to the Andalusian tradition; and (d) the homophones. It has been demonstrated that אהוי were interpreted as mute letters, but: (a) Dunaš ibn Tamīm ʾAbū Sahl / דונש אבן תמים אבוסהל in his commentary on Sēp̄er Yəṣirā / ספר יצירה was the first to associate them with the mothers of the speech and to qualify them as weak letters; (b) Mənaḥēm bēn Saruq / מנחם בן סרוק in Maḥbereṯ Mənaḥēm / מחברת מנחם offered the first linguistic speculations about the אהוי; (c) as a Jewish Saussure, Ḥayyūj / 'חיוג elevated the embryonic ideas of de Mənaḥēm / מנחם to its apogee in Kitāb ʾal-Līn / אללין כתאב; (d) although the Qimḥi / קמחי enlarged and spread the achievements of the Andalusian linguists they hindered the strength of the Ḥayyūj / 'חיוג linguistic ideas in their respective works of the Sēp̄er Zikkārōn / ספר זכרון , the Sēp̄er Mahălaḵ / ספר מהלך and the Miḵlōl / מכלול; (e) in the teachings of Rabbi Yiṣḥāq ʿUzziʾēl / יצחק עוזיאל; recorded in Maʿănēh Lāšōn / מענה לשון edited by Yiṣḥāq Neḥemiyāh / יצחק נחמיה and written by Aboab in Məleʾḵeṯ haDiqdūq / מלאכת הדקדוק, the linguistic ideas around the אהוי began to lose space to explanations based on graphematic; (f) Abudiente expanded the use of graphematic explanations in in Hebrew Grammar by reducing אהוי.'s protagonism.
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