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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Carlos Eduardo Alves Duarte Santos
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2016
Ruesch, Arlete Orlando Cavaliere (President)
Lopes, Elisabeth Silva
Polli, Noé Silva de Oliveira Queiroz Policarpo
Title in Portuguese
Os palhaços soviético e o teatro russo de vanguarda: diálogos e desdobramentos
Keywords in Portuguese
Teatro russo
Abstract in Portuguese
Esse trabalho visa estudar as relações entre o teatro tusso de vanguarda e as artes circenses. Para tanto, foram enfatizadas as encenações de Vsévolod Meyerhold, principalmente na montagem do texto A Barraquinha de Feira, de Aleksandr Blok, e nas montagens das peças escritas por Vladímir Maiakóvski: Mistério Bufo, O Percevejo e Os Banhos. Nesses trabalhos, Meyerhold incorporou técnicas dos palhaços circenses na construção de máscaras sociais, resgatando elementos da Commedia dellArte e do teatro de feira, por meio dos quais trabalhou a estética do grotesco. O contato com o teatro de vanguarda, junto aos acontecimentos provocados pela Revolução de Outubro, causou mudanças significativas no circo. Nascem daí os clowns-tribunos, que abandonam as maquiagens e figurinos extravagantes dos clowns do ocidente, mudando também a sua maneira de atuar no picadeiro. Assim, podiam se aproximar mais da realidade do homem soviético. Nasce, então, uma nova escola clownesca na URSS, sob um viés político e existencial profundo, que se perpetuará nas décadas posteriores, com figuras como Karandach e Iúri Nikúlin, entre outros.
Title in English
The Soviet clowns and the Russian Avant-garde theater: dialogues and developments
Keywords in English
Russian theater
Abstract in English
This work aims to study the relationship between the Russian avant-garde theater and circus arts. In order to reach its main goal, the scenarios created by Vsevolod Meyerhold are emphasized, mainly the ones for the play Balaganchik, by Aleksandr Blok, and Mystery-Bouffe, The Bedbug and The Bathhouse, written by Vladimir Mayakovsky. In these works, Meyerhold incorporated techniques used by circus clowns to build up social masks, rescuing elements of Commedia dell 'Arte and Théâtre de la foire. Through these influences, he could work upon the aesthetic of the grotesque. The contact with the avant-garde theater, as well as the events caused by the October Revolution, caused significant changes in the circus world. From this period came the tribune-clowns, who left behind the makeup and extravagant costumes of Western clowns and also changed the way of acting in the circus ring. Thus they got closer to the reality of the Soviet man. It had been born then a new clowning school in the USSR, under a deep political and existential bias, which will be perpetuated in the later decades by figures like Karandach, Yuri Nikulin and others.
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