Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Gabriel Arcanjo Santos de Albuquerque
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2002
Villaça, Alcides Celso Oliveira (President)
Camilo, Vagner
Moraes, Eliane Robert
Pasta Junior, Jose Antonio
Siscar, Marcos Antonio
Title in Portuguese
Deus, amor, morte e as atitudes líricas na poesia de Hilda Hilst
Keywords in Portuguese
Hilda Hilst
Literatura brasileira
Abstract in Portuguese
Atuando na poesia, na prosa e no drama ao longo de quarenta anos, Hilda Hilst erigiu um discurso singular cujas bases temáticas são Deus, Amor e Morte. Este trabalho busca identificar a ocorrência desses três temas na lírica hilstiana como também estabelecer diferenças entre as suas diversas formas de manifestação, aqui denominadas atitudes líricas
Title in English
Not available
Keywords in English
Not available
Abstract in English
Writing poetry, prose and drama for forty years, Hilda Hilst has erected a discourse whose bases are God, Love and Death. The present work aims at identifying the ocurrence of those three themes in Hilst's lyric, as well as at establishing differences among the various manners, here called lyric attitudes, in which they manifest themselves
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