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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Tatiana Piccardi
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 1999
Brandao, Helena Hathsue Nagamine (President)
Dias, Ana Rosa Ferreira
Silva, Maria Cecília Pérez de Souza e
Title in Portuguese
A construção do sentido em textos empresariais institucionais: confronto de vozes e ideologia.
Keywords in Portuguese
discurso empresarial
discurso empresarial institucional
ideologia em textos empresariais institucionais
polifonia em textos empresariais
Abstract in Portuguese
O discurso empresarial institucional tem se mostrado bastante eficiente em sua tarefa legitimadora, consolidando novas formas de ver o mundo e atuar nele. O discurso empresarial institucional, aparentemente objetivo e homogêneo, constrói a si mesmo através de um bem articulado jogo polifônico, em que a voz de um locutor (L) - que representa a voz institucional - "orquestra" as demais vozes que surgem nos tetos de modo a abafar as que se opõem à direção argumentativa que L pretende impor. Tal direção argumentativa dá-se necessariamente no sentido de afirmar determinada ideologia. Considerando a importância que o discurso empresarial institucional assume nos dias de hoje, ao consolidar-se como um dos principais aliados de um capitalismo renovado, em que os discursos neoliberal, da privatização, globalização, qualidade e preservação do meio ambiente formam a base do pensamento econômico moderno, torna-se necessário compreender melhor sua dinâmica de produção, o que inclui desnudar as bases ideológicas que o sustentam. Desta forma, a partir de conceitos da pragmática, em particular da semântica argumentativa de Oswald Ducrot, são analisados neste trabalho textos institucionais de certa empresa privada para se verificar como as diferentes vozes se articulam e como desta articulação se legitima uma ideologia que cria, mantém e difunde significações.
Title in English
Meaning construction in institutional business texts: voices confrontation and ideology.
Keywords in English
business discourse
ideology in institutional business texts
institutional business discourse
polyphony in business texts
Abstract in English
Institutional business discourse has proved efficient in its legitimatory task of consolidating new worldviews and forms of acting in the world. In its apparent objectivity and homogeneity, institutional business discourse develops in a well articulated polyphonic game. In this game, the voice of a locator (L) - which represents the institutional voice - "orchestrates" the other voices that occur in the text in an attempt to erase those voices which move in an opposite direction relative to the argumentative orientation of the discourse. The argumentative direction of the discourse necessarily leads to the affirmation of a particular ideology. Institutional business discourse plays an important role nowadays, as one of the main allies of a renewed capitalism, which finds its basis in modern economic thinking informed by neoliberal discourse, the discourse of privatization, that of globalization, and those of standards of quality and preservation of the natural environment. Thus, it becomes necessary to better understand the conditions of its production, which presupposes unmasking the ideological basis that underlies institutional business discourse. On the basis of concepts derived from studies in the field of pragmatics, particularly those from Oswald Ducrot’s argumentative semantics, a number of institutional texts from certain private company were examined, with a view to investigating how the different voices featuring in such texts articulate with one another and by so doing legitimate an ideology that creates, maintains, and spreads particular types of meaning.
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