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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Lucimar Regina Santana Rodrigues
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2019
Andrade, Maria Lúcia da Cunha Victório de Oliveira (President)
Dias, Ana Rosa Ferreira
Morasco, Paula de Souza Gonçalves
Oliveira, Kelly Cristina de
Title in Portuguese
Imagens de si no discurso das instituições financeiras nas propagandas em revistas dos séculos XX e XXI: um estudo multimodal
Keywords in Portuguese
Instituições financeiras
Abstract in Portuguese
Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de analisar o discurso das instituições financeiras em propagandas publicadas em revistas impressas direcionadas a públicos distintos, no Brasil, no decorrer dos séculos XX e XXI, mostrando como esses discursos vão se construindo e se transformando no decorrer do tempo e das mudanças da sociedade. O corpus compreende propagandas da marca sequencial Banco da Lavoura - Banco Real - Banco Santander publicadas, dos anos 1960 até 2018, nas revistas Claudia, Veja e Exame - direcionadas a diferentes segmentos da sociedade: público feminino, público geral e público executivo, respectivamente. A escolha por propagandas de bancos justifica-se pelo fato de se tratar de instituições pertencentes à área de economia e finanças - uma fatia do mercado que acreditamos ser marcada pela objetividade, lógica e, consequentemente, frieza nas relações interpessoais, que se confronta com a propaganda cuja finalidade é seduzir e encantar o consumidor. A partir das perspectivas da multimodalidade, realizamos as análises com base nos processos e categorias da gramática do design visual, de Kress e Van Leeuwen (2006), somados aos postulados da cena enunciativa de Maingueneau (2013) e do sistema da valoração ou avaliatividade de Martin e White (2005). Considerando o papel crucial da propaganda e seu poder de persuasão e sedução, somam-se à fundamentação teórica Charaudeau (2010), Sandmann (2012) e Amossy (2018). Com o intuito de compreender o contexto sóciohistórico- econômico em que os discursos das instituições financeiras estavam inseridos no decorrer das seis décadas mencionadas, contamos com a contribuição de autores como Brandão (1995) e Fausto (2006). As análises mostram que os recursos verbais e imagéticos têm igual importância na construção da imagem das instituições financeiras; que a seleção desses recursos se transforma no decorrer do tempo e se diferencia quando direcionados a leitores diferentes (geral, feminino, executivo) e que as instituições financeiras selecionadas para esta pesquisa buscam construir com o público alvo - leitores das revistas impressas - uma relação pautada nos valores atitudinais de afeto.
Title in English
Images of itself in the discourse of financial institutions in advertisements by 20th and 21st century magazines: a multimodal study
Keywords in English
Financial institutions
Abstract in English
This research aims to analyze the discourse of financial institutions in advertisements published in printed journals directed to various kinds of audiences. Over the course of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Brazilian financial institutions' advertisements have shown how this kind of discourse was built and altered throughout time, and how it led to changes in society. This corpus, which includes pieces of advertisement published from the 1960s to 2018, comprises of the following associations: Banco da Lavoura, Banco Real and Banco Santander. We also analyzed advertisements published in the magazines Claudia, Veja and Exame, which were directed to audiences from numerous segments of society: female public, public in general and executive public, respectively. The selection of banks' advertisements is justified by the fact that they are institutions that are part of the economics and finance field - a market share that we believe to be permeated with objectivity, logic and thus a cold behavior towards interpersonal relationships. Additionally, announcements that have the intent to seduce and enchant consumers are regularly faced by these interpersonal relationships. From the perspective of Multimodality, we performed the analyses based on the processes and categories of the visual design grammar by Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006), then added the system of valuation or evaluation by Martin and White (2005) to the postulates of the enunciative scene by Maingueneau (2013). Considering the crucial role of propaganda and its power of persuasion and seduction, we added the theoretical foundation Charaudeau (2010), Sandmann (2012) and Amossy (2018). In order to understand the social, historical and economic context in which these genres of discourse from financial institutions were inserted, taking into consideration those six decades indicated, we relied on the contributions of authors such as Brandão (1995) and Fausto (2006). The analyses showed that the verbal and imagetic resources have equivalent importance in the construction of the financial institutions' ethos. Furthermore, it showed that the selection of those resources had been altered throughout time and differed when directed to specific readers (general, feminine, executive, e.g.). Apart from that, it was explained that the financial institutions chosen for this research sought to build a relationship based on the attitudinal values of affection with their target audience, the readers of printed journals.
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