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Mémoire de Maîtrise
Nom complet
Paulo Andre Moreira Zaniboni
Adresse Mail
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
São Paulo, 2011
Megiani, Ana Paula Torres (Président)
Lima, Luís Filipe Silverio
Sousa, Maria Clara Paixao de
Titre en portugais
A transferência do Colégio das Artes aos jesuítas. A atuação de D. João III à margem do pressuposto de personalidade (1540-1557)
Mots-clés en portugais
Colégio das Artes
D. João III
história de Portugal
Resumé en portugais
O Colégio das Artes constituiu-se ao longo dos anos em um poderoso monumento da história portuguesa. Concebido originalmente para ser uma escola regida pelos preceitos do Humanismo e, desse ponto de vista seruma escola diferenciada em relação aos demais colégios monásticos que então vigoravam em Portugal, acabou por não conseguir estabelecer-se duradouramente em sua proposta primeira. Dono de uma trajetória tumultuada, marcada pela morte repentina de seu primeiro diretor, por inúmeros conflitos entre professores e pela instauração de processos inquisitoriais a trêsde seus professores mais conceituados, o Colégio das Artes, em uma decisão jamais oficializada por D.João III, acabou porser transferido em 1555 à Companhia de Jesus.
Titre en anglais
The transference of the Colégio das Artes to the jesuits. The D. João III's actuation beyond the king's personality
Mots-clés en anglais
Art School
D.João III
History of Portugal
Resumé en anglais
The Art School was built along the years in a powerful monument of Portuguese History. Originally conceived to be a school ruled by the humanist principles and, from that point of view, to be a different school compared to the other monastic centres which existed in Portugal, it ended up not lasting long in its first proposal. Being the owner of a troubled trajectory, marked by the sudden death of its first principal, by countless conflicts among teachers and by the start of inquisitional processes towards three of its most important teachers, the Art School, in a never oficialized decision by D. Joao III, was transferred to Jesuss company in 1555. In fact, after ten years of remain of Inacians, the original space of the Art School has its functionality extinct being handed down to the inquisition, which would implement changes according to the new end which would be attributed to it. Actually, nowadays the space which was once used as a school is an antiquate area in Coimbra, a bother to the public power. Certainly for Portuguese historiography, its unlucky fate signs the sadness which characterizes Joanino´s Kingdom. In fact, for her, it was D. João III the greatest responsible for the tragic fate that set upon the school. Portraited in the past as a fanatic and nowadays as a hesitating man, it was this misunderstandable king´s personality that ended up sealing the destiny of his own work. This dissertation seeks an explanation for the history of the Art School, especially, the matter of its transference to the Jesuits which escaped from the King´s personality
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