Tesis Doctoral
Nombre completo
Elsje Maria Lagrou
Área de Conocimiento
Fecha de Defensa
São Paulo, 1998
Vidal, Lux Boelitz (Presidente)
Lima, Tânia Stolze
Mccallum, Cecilia Anne
Novaes, Sylvia Maria Caiuby
Oliveira, Roberto Cardoso de
Título en portugués
Caminhos, duplos e corpos: uma abordagem perspectivista da identidade e alteridade entre os Kaxinawa
Palabras clave en portugués
Antropologia cultural e social
Índios Kaxinawa
Resumen en portugués
Não disponível
Título en inglés
Not available
Palabras clave en inglés
Not available
Resumen en inglés
This thesis explores the interface of social and cosmogonic thought in an indigenous society of the Southwestern Brazilian Amazon. The First part sets out the Cashinahua ontological framework, describes key concepts and places the Cashinahua in the broader context of an Amerindian worldview where Perspectivism and a special philosophical interest in the questions of Alterity and Identity are central issues. These questions are dealt with by means of a complex dualistic symbolisin that pervades the fields of ethnicity, gender, social life and ritual. The second pai! of the thesis is divided into two chapters (chapter 111 and IV). Chapter three sets out the mythological framework in which the key concepts previously described gain a nanative fonn, while chapter IV describes the Nixpu pima initiation ritual of girls and boys and shows how this ritual represents an important moment of synthesis and actualisation of the Cashinahua worldview. The initiation ritual illustrates how the Cashinahua basic ontological distinctions between the embodied and rooted self as opposed to free-floating images and spirits are expressed in a graphic way and guide ritual action. Throughout the thesis references are also made to the intimate association and mutual illumination between, on the one hand, the Cashinahua worldview, social life and ontology, and, on the other, eschatology and indigenous conceptions of death
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