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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Arthur Walesko Veras de Oliveira
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2019
Knoll, Victor (President)
Braga, Marcos da Costa
Favaretto, Celso Fernando
Romagnolo, Sergio Mauro
Title in Portuguese
Arte, objetos e vida cotidiana: do nascimento ao ocaso das vanguardas
Keywords in Portuguese
Abstract in Portuguese
Nesta dissertação, procuramos, a partir da Grande Exposição Universal de Londres em 1851, o início de um debate mais intenso de aproximação da arte com a indústria para, assim, perceber como elementos estéticos começam a permear a vida cotidiana. Essas questões ganham fôlego com as vanguardas, principalmente, com a Bauhaus de Walter Gropius e com o ready-made de Marcel Duchamp. Problematizar como cada um desses artistas buscou o novo, para aproximar Arte e Vida, usando estratégias diferentes, mas recorrendo ao mesmo suporte: o objeto. Ao longo do século XX, perceberemos como, no pós-segunda guerra, há uma mudança no contexto histórico e como as artes plásticas e aplicadas respondem ao debate: arte e indústria, ready-made e Bauhaus. Veremos que as respostas serão com a pop art e as vanguardas italianas do design. Nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, analisamos a sobrecarga da narrativa moderna, tendo a implosão do conjunto residencial Pruitt-Igoe como marco desse processo. O resultado é o ocaso das vanguardas e a centralidade da cultura Kitsch, que inverte a questão levantada por elas de aproximar arte e vida; agora, é a vida cotidiana naquilo que tem de mais banal que se aproxima da arte. As consequências dessa mudança são as repetições de imagens do passado e a descontinuidade na história da arte. Assim, demonstraremos como a arte e os objetos de uso colaboraram com a construção do modo de vida nessa nova tradição.
Title in English
Art, objects and everyday life: as from the appearing to the twilight of the avant-gardes
Keywords in English
Abstract in English
In this research, we have studied, as from the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations in 1851, in London, the start-up of a more intense debate on the approximation of Art with Industry for, thus, realizing how aesthetic elements begin to make part of everyday life. Such issues are increased with the Avant-Gardes mainly with Walter Gropiuss Bauhaus and the Marcel Duchamps Ready-mades. We have also studied how each of these artists had searched the "new" to approach Art and Life using different strategies but the same support: the object. During the 20th century, after the second World War, we may realize that there is a change in the historical context and how Visual Arts and Applied Arts answer to the debate: Art and Industry, Ready-made and Bauhaus. We may see that the answers will be with Pop Art and the Italian Design Vanguards. In the decades of 1960 and 1970, we have analised the overload on the modern narrative, having the implosion of the Pruitt-Igoe residential condo as this process' milestone. The result is the Avant- Gardes twilight and the Kitsch culture centrality, which inverts the issue they bring up in order to approach Art and Life; now, on the other hand, it's everyday life that is close to Art in what it has of most banal. This change consequences are the repetitions of past images and the discontinuity in Art History. Thus, we may demonstrate how Art and objects of use have contributed with the way life construction in this new tradition.
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