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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Silvia Faustino de Assis Saes
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2003
Santos, Luiz Henrique Lopes dos (President)
Cacciola, Maria Lucia Mello de Oliveira
Ferraz Junior, Bento Prado de Almeida
Marques, Edgar da Rocha
Moreno, Arley Ramos
Title in Portuguese
Wittgenstein e o fim da epistemologia.
Keywords in Portuguese
Abstract in Portuguese
Procurando investigar as razões que justificam a ausência de uma epistemologia no Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus de Wittgenstein, o trabalho encontra na filosofia de Schopenhauer a raiz da metafísica que ele vincula à lógica. Descobre-se que esse vínculo constitui a verdadeira estratégia de dissolução do terreno no qual classicamente se constroem as epistemologias. A partir daí, duas direções são tomadas: de um lado, exploram-se certas teses centrais do Tractatus no sentido de saber se há, afinal, uma epistemologia compatível com a sua lógica; e, de outro, confrontam-se essas mesmas teses com os fundamentos de dois modelos epistemológicos clássicos: o de Russell e o de Kant. Com isso, o trabalho procura mostrar que, tanto no sentido de “telos", quanto no sentido de “termo", o “fim" da epistemologia no Tractatus marca a singularidade da obra no cenário geral da filosofia contemporânea
Title in English
Wittgenstein and the end of epistemology.
Keywords in English
Abstract in English
This work investigates the reasons which justify the absence of an epistemology in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, and encounters in Schopenhauer’s philosophy the root of the metaphysics which Wittgenstein connects to logic. This connection is found to constitute the true strategy of dissolution of the grounds in which epistemologies are classically built. Two directions are then taken: on the one hand, certain central theses of the Tractatus are explored, in order to see whether, after all, there is an epistemology that is compatible with its logic; on the other hand, these same theses are compared with the foundations of two classical epistemological models: Russell’s and Kant’s. In this way, the work attempts to show that the “end" of epistemology in the Tractatus, both in the sense of “telos" as in the sense of “finishing", marks the singularity of the book in the overall background of contemporary philosophy.
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