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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Jair Minoro Abe
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 1992
Costa, Newton Carneiro Affonso da (President)
Abud, Zara Issa
Baeta Segundo, José Augusto
Dias, Francisco de Oliveira
Krause, Décio
Title in Portuguese
Fundamentos da lógica anotada
Keywords in Portuguese
Fundamentos da programação não-clássica
Lógica paraconsistente
Lógicas anotadas
Abstract in Portuguese
As logicas anotadas sao uma classe de logicas nao-classicas introduzidas por v.S. Subrahmanian (subrahmanian, v.S.), On the semantics of quantitative logic programs, proc. 4th ieee symposium on logic programming, computer society press, washington dc, 1987, 173-182. Devido a significantes aplicacoes obtidas na teoria da computacao e na inteligencia artificial, tornou-se conveniente um estudo detalhado de seus fundamentos. Um primeiro trabalho nesse sentido e da costa, nca, vs subrahmanian & cva ca, (the paraconsistent logics pi, zeitschrift fur math logik und grund der math 37, 1991, 137-148). Nesta tese damos seguimento ao estudo dos fundamentos da logica anotada qi, investigamos sua semantica e demonstramos um teorema de completude. Pesquisamos a teoria anotada de modelos e mostramos que versoes da maioria dos resultados basicos da teoria classica de modelos sao validas para os sistemas qi. Os sistemas anotados englobam a teoria dos conjuntos difusos (fuzzy sets), o que nos conduz a uma outra aplicacao fundamental destas logicas; os resultados relevantes foram publicados em da costa nca, j abel & vs subrahmanian, remarks on annotated logics', a aparecer em zeitsghrift fur math. Logik und grund der math. 1991, vol. 37
Title in English
On the foundations of annotated logics
Keywords in English
Annotated logics
Foundations of non-classical programming
Paraconsistent logics
Abstract in English
Annotated logics are a class of non-classical logics introduced by V. S. Subrahmanian CSUBRAHMANIAN. V. S . On the Semantics o/ Quantitatiue Losic Prosram.s, Proc. 4.th IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming, Washington DC, 1987. 173-182). applications obtained in Computer Computer Science Press, Due Science to and significant Artificial Intelligence, it is convenient to study in detail their foundations. A first work in this sense is DA COSTA, N.C.A., V.S. SUBRAHMANIAN & C. VAGO, The paraconsistent logics PT', Zei tschrif t /ür Hath. Losi.1'. und Grund. der Hath. 37, 1991, 137-138. This thesis is a seque! to the study of the foundations of annotated logics Qr; we investigate their semantics and prove a çompleteness theorem. studying the annotated model theory and showing that practically all the main basic results in classical model theory can be reproduced in these systems. The annotated systems encompass the theory of fuzzy sets, conducting us to another fundamental application of these logics·; the relevant results were published in DA COSTA, N. C. A., J. M. ASE & V. S. SUBRAHMANIAN, Remarks on annotated logic', to appear in Zeitschrift fü.r Hath. LoeiJtt und Grund. der Hath. , 1991, vol . 37
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