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Mémoire de Maîtrise
Nom complet
Leonor Seraphim
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
São Paulo, 1973
Viegas, Alfredo Reis (Président)
Lino, Alael de Paiva
Vigorito, Julio Wilson
Titre en portugais
O perfil mole e sua importância como indicador das deformidades dentofaciais
Mots-clés en portugais
Deformidades Dento-Faciais
Odontologia em Saúde Coletiva
Resumé en portugais
Not available
Titre en anglais
Not available
Mots-clés en anglais
Not available
Resumé en anglais
The soft profile and its importance as dental-facial deformities indicator. After studying several papers on malocclusion, we found out that those indices represent mainly the individual dental positions and its relationships. The third bucal health problema, malocclusion, causes damages to the facial profile and aesthetics, which in turn, may affect health. The reason of this study was: to find out if there is or there is not advantage to add data to the malocclusion indices, and if there is, which ones are more significant. We reviewed several papers up to the present date, about the soft profile, such as: concepts on equilibrium and harmony, methods and technics to study the soft profile, and its study from different views, the soft profile and its relationship to the bone and dental structure, the soft profile in relationship to prosthetic and surgical dental treatment, and the soft profile in relationship to growing. In the discussion, we stressed the profile importance, the soft profile data for the choice of the priority problems and the importance of the lips. In a trial study, we examined 429 male children, from to 11 years of age, from which 165 children presented changes of the lips posture and the remaining 264 children presented normal lips posture. In the first group, only 5.4% presented normal malocclusion and in the second group 79.1% presented normal occlusion or very slight abnormalities, thus indicating the importance of this study. The end results of this study are: 1. It is necessary the establishment of a new index with data related to the soft profile for the detection of malocclusion. The most important data are related to the lips, specially its forward and backward relationship at rest (opened closed) as well as the presence of fautly habits, always relating the lips to the remaining of the face.
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