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Mémoire de Maîtrise
Nom complet
Aldo Ventura
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
São Carlos, 1972
Loibel, Gilberto Francisco (Président)
Favaro, Luiz Antonio
Saab, Mario Rameh
Titre en portugais
Mots-clés en portugais
Não disponível
Resumé en portugais
Não disponível
Titre en anglais
Regular Neighbourhoods and Small Knots in S1 x D2
Mots-clés en anglais
Not available
Resumé en anglais
The aim of this paper is to give conditions to reduces knot problems in S1 x D2 to knot problems in R3. For this we give the notions of small knot and trivial knot in a three manifold M. We say that K is a small knot in M if there existe a 3-ball in the interior of M, submanifold of M containing K. Let K be a knot in S1 x D2 and α ∈ π (S1 x D2 - T(K)) = π(K) the homotopy class, whose representative loop is the piecewise linear homeomorphism φ : Δ2 → u0 x C, where C is the boundary of the disc D2, u0 ∈ S1 and T(K) is an open tubular neighbourhood of K. Then we have Main Theorem: α = 0 in π(K) iff K is a small knot To prove this theorem we use Dehn's lemma and the notion of polyhedral regular neighbourhood. In chapter I we, develop the theory of colapses and the theory of regular neighbourhoods from the polyhedral view point and we believe that we gave an original form of presentation of Polyhedral Manifolds Theory.
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