Master's Dissertation
Full name
Andrea Ramos de Castro Moreira
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2023
Trarbach, Ericka Barbosa (President)
Bueno, Cristina Bellotti Formiga
Abucham Filho, Júlio Zaki
Jorge, Alexander Augusto de Lima
Title in Portuguese
Associação das variantes do gene do receptor de prolactina com a resposta à cabergolina em pacientes com prolactinoma
Keywords in Portuguese
Agonistas dopaminérgicos
Gene do receptor de prolactina
Variantes genéticas
Abstract in Portuguese
Introdução: Estudos recentes identificaram variantes no gene do receptor de prolactina em pacientes com prolactinoma e duas dessas variantes (p.Glu400/Asn516Ile) foram associadas ao aparecimento deste tumor. A análise funcional da variante p.Asn516Ile demonstrou que essa alteração levou ao aumento da expressão da Akt e da proliferação celular induzidas pela prolactina, estado que pode ser revertido pelo tratamento com inibidor de Akt. Contudo, a associação entre as variantes no gene do receptor de prolactina e a resposta ao tratamento com cabergolina não havia sido investigada. Objetivo: Este estudo visa analisar o gene do receptor de prolactina em uma extensa coorte de pacientes com prolactinomas, a fim de verificar a relação de suas variantes com o surgimento desses tumores e a resposta à cabergolina bem como com as características clínicas e tumorais desses pacientes. Métodos: O DNA foi extraído a partir de amostra de sangue periférico de 178 (141 mulheres e 37 homens) pacientes com prolactinoma, destes casos 146 receberam tratamento com cabergolina. O gene do receptor de prolactina foi analisado por técnicas de PCR e sequenciamento automático do tipo Sanger. Resultados: A média de idade ao diagnóstico foi de 30.4 ± 11,6 anos e a mediana de prolactina sérica ao diagnóstico de 177,5 (86-500) ng/mL. Nos pacientes com prolactinoma, foram identificadas as variantes p.Ile100Val (n=18), p.Ile170Leu (n=6), p.Glu400Gln/p.Asn516Ile (n=3), p.Glu470Asp (n=1) e p.Ala591Pro (n=1), duas delas nunca descritas em prolactinomas, Glu470Asp e p.Ala591Pro. As variantes estavam em heterozigose e a Glu400Gln/p.Asn516Ile estavam em completo desequilíbrio de ligação, ou seja, herdadas juntas no mesmo alelo. Pela análise preditiva in sílico, todas as variantes foram classificadas como benignas pela maioria das ferramentas, com exceção da p.Asn516Ile que apresentou potencial patogênico. Esta variante, junto com a p.Glu400Gln, foram encontradas em maior frequência alélica nos pacientes com prolactinoma do que no banco de variantes brasileiras ABraOM (0,01 versus 0,0004; P=0.001). Em relação a resposta à cabergolina, 111 (76%) casos eram sensíveis enquanto que 35 (24%) foram classificados como resistentes. Destes, 10,8% e 42,9% dos pacientes sensíveis e resistentes, respectivamente, eram portadores de variantes no gene do receptor de prolactina (P<0.0001). Além da associação com a resistência à cabergolina, a presença das variantes foi associada a uma maior frequência de pacientes do sexo masculino (37,9% vs 17,1% P = 0,01), maiores níveis de PRL (P=0,007) e maior tamanho tumoral (P=0,001). Conclusão: As variantes p.Glu400Gln/p.Asn516Ile do gene do receptor de prolactina parecem ter papel na tumorigênese dos prolactinomas e todas as variantes descritas podem estar implicadas na resistência ao tratamento padrão-ouro com cabergolina
Title in English
Genetic variants of prolactin receptor gene and its relationship with cabergoline response in patients with prolactinoma
Keywords in English
Dopamine Agonists
Genetic variants
Prolactin receptor gene
Abstract in English
Introduction: Recent studies identified variants in the prolactin receptor gene in patients with prolactinoma and two of these variants (p.Glu400/Asn516Ile) were associated with the appearance of this tumor. Functional analysis of the p.Asn516Ile variant showed that this alteration led to increased expression of Akt and cell proliferation induced by prolactin, a state that can be reversed by treatment with an Akt inhibitor. However, the association between variants in the prolactin receptor gene and the response to treatment with cabergoline had not been investigated. Objectives: This study aims to analyze prolactin receptor gene in an extensive cohort of patients with prolactinomas, to relate its variants with the emergence of these tumors and its response to cabergoline, as well as with the clinical and tumoral characteristics of these patients. Methods: DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of 178 (141 women and 37 men) patients with prolactinoma, of which 146 received treatment with cabergoline. The prolactin receptor gene was analyzed by PCR techniques and automatic Sanger sequencing. Results: The mean age at diagnosis of the patients was 30.4 ± 11.6 years and the median serum prolactin at diagnosis was 177.5 (86-500) ng/mL. The variants p.Ile100Val (n=18), p.Ile170Leu (n=6), p.Glu400Gln/p.Asn516Ile (n=3), p.Glu470Asp (n=1) and p.Ala591Pro (n= 1) were identified and both Glu470Asp and Ala591Pro have never been described in prolactinomas patients. All these variants were in heterozygosity and p.Glu400Gln/p.Asn516Ile were in complete linkage disequilibrium, inherited together on the same allele. By in silico predictive analysis, all variants were classified as benign by most tools, with the exception of p.Asn516Ile which showed pathogenic potential in all of them. This variant, associated with p.Glu400Gln, were found at a higher allelic frequency in patients with prolactinoma than in the Brazilian variant bank, ABraOM (0.01 versus 0.0004; P=0.001). We found that 111 (76%) patients were cabergoline sensitive, while 35 (24%) were cabergoline resistant. Of these, 10.8% and 42,9%, of the sensitive and resistant, respectively, were carriers of variants (P<0.0001). The presence of variants in the prolactin receptor gene was associated with a higher frequency of male patients (37.9% vs 17.1% P = 0.01), higher levels of prolactin (P=0.007), larger tumor size (P=0.001) and resistance to cabergoline (P<0.0001). Conclusion: The p.Glu400Gln/p.Asn516Ile variants of prolactin receptor gene seem to play a role in the tumorigenesis of prolactinomas and all described variants may be implicated in resistance to the gold standard treatment with cabergoline
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