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Thèse de Doctorat
Nom complet
João Felipe Guimarães de Macedo Sales Domiciano
Adresse Mail
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
São Paulo, 2021
Dunker, Christian Ingo Lenz (Président)
Faria, Michele Roman
Iannini, Gilson de Paulo Moreira
Rosa, Miriam Debieux
Salum, Luciana Krissak Pinheiro
Titre en portugais
Corpos que escutam: função e campo do corpo do analista na experiência psicanalítica
Mots-clés en portugais
Corpo do psicanalista
Processo psicanalítico
Resumé en portugais
No interior dos discursos acerca dos elementos constitutivos e estruturantes do tratamento psicanalitico, a presente pesquisa visa inscrever a funcao e o campo do corpo do analista. A critica a um modelo dualista do corpo, de extracao cartesiana, e um dos eixos presentes na emergencia da psicanalise enquanto metodo de tratamento, fato observado na extensa literatura acerca dos limites e parametros destes corpos patologizados, relidos nos atravessamentos do campo da linguagem e do pulsional. O desafio de fundamentacao categorial parte da constatacao de que tal refundacao epistemologica nao acompanhou os poucos desenvolvimentos sobre a nocao do corpo daquele que escuta na cena analitica. O primeiro passo metodologico foi analisar os termos nos quais a nocao de corpo se inscreveu em distintos modelos de pensamento, de modo a localizar as tensoes internas que estavam presentes quando da reconfiguracao operada pela invencao da psicanalise. Portanto, ao posicionar as propostas de Freud e Lacan frente aos modelos filosoficos e antropologicos de base desta categoria, pudemos mapear os modos como foi articulado o corpo do clinico nos discursos sobre o dispositivo de cura psicanalitico. Em seguida, ao retracar as formas de inclusao e exclusao deste corpo nos debates sobre a pratica, identificamos tres eixos de inscricao: (1) o corpo que remete a pessoa do analista, corpo nas fronteiras do campo transferencial, que ressoa tanto nos cruzamentos com a esfera sociopolitica e seus marcadores de diferenca, como na tematizacao dos modos de afeccao dos fenomenos contratransferenciais; (2) corpo tomado pelas variacoes de presentificacao e de retirada na cena analitica, extensao que vai desde os modos de amparo que sua não-ausência promove, crucial em momentos de precario recobrimento discursivo do paciente, ate sua funcao na convocacao a fala, como condicao ao silencio e a estrangeiridade da cena analitica; (3) corpo transformado e distorcido pela propria operacao transferencial, inconsistencias do devir-analista presentes tanto nas deformacoes corporais pelas quais e concebido, representado pelo paciente, como nas experiencias de desorientacao do analista frente as referencias de estabilizacao do sentimento de si. A presenca sensivel de um corpo que suporta uma abertura consubstancial a face enigmatica e inobjetivavel da causa do desejo e justamente o que torna possivel a producao de atravessamentos discursivos proprios a experiencia analitica, como sustentamos. Os desenvolvimentos contemporaneos da antropologia perspectivista oferecem importante suporte a teorizacao destes modos inscricao corporal, em especial a dimensao desta indeterminacao, centrais ao modelo transformacional do tratamento psicanalitico. O horizonte da pesquisa ainda toca no cerne do debate atual acerca das mediacoes digitais nos tratamentos psicologicos, dado que um eixo central neste e a alteracao das formas de presentificacao corporal do clinico frente as condicoes consagradas pelo dispositivo de cura. Ao fim, buscamos extrair potenciais desdobramentos da tese para futuras pesquisas, em especial a perspectiva de uma teorizacao da experiencia analitica que nao tira o corpo fora
Titre en anglais
Not informed by author
Mots-clés en anglais
Analyst's body
Psychoanalytical process
Resumé en anglais
Within the discourses about the constitutive and structuring elements of psychoanalytic treatment, this research aims to inscribe the function and field of the analyst's body. The criticism of a dualistic model of the body, of Cartesian extraction, is one of the axes present in the emergence of psychoanalysis as a method of treatment, a fact observed in the extensive literature about the limits and parameters of these pathologized bodies, reread in the crossings of the field of language and language. pulsional. The challenge of categorical reasoning starts from the observation that such an epistemological refoundation has not kept pace with the few developments on the notion of the body of the one who listens in the analytical scene. The first methodological step was to analyze the terms in which the notion of the body was inscribed in different models of thought, in order to locate the internal tensions that were present when the reconfiguration operated by the invention of psychoanalysis. Therefore, by positioning the proposals of Freud and Lacan against the underlying philosophical and anthropological models of this category, we were able to map the ways in which the body of the clinician was articulated in the discourses about the psychoanalytic healing device. Then, when retracing the forms of inclusion and exclusion of this body in the debates about the practice, we identified three axes of inscription: (1) the body that refers to the person of the analyst, body at the borders of the transference field, which resonates so much in the intersections with the socio-political sphere and its difference markers, as in the thematization of the ways of affecting countertransference phenomena; (2) body taken by the variations of presentification and withdrawal in the analytical scene, an extension that goes from the modes of protection that its non-absence promotes, crucial in moments of precarious discursive covering of the patient, up to its function in summoning to speech, as condition for silence and the strangeness of the analytical scene; (3) body transformed and distorted by the transference operation itself, inconsistencies of the becoming-analyst present both in the bodily deformations by which he is conceived, represented by the patient, and in the analyst's disorienting experiences in the face of the stabilization of the feeling of self. The sensitive presence of a body that supports a consubstantial opening to the enigmatic and unobjectionable face of the cause of desire is precisely what makes possible the production of discursive crossings proper to the analytical experience, as we maintain. Contemporary developments in perspective anthropology offer important support for the theorization of these modes of body inscription, especially the dimension of this indeterminacy, central to the transformational model of psychoanalytic treatment. The horizon of the research still touches the heart of the current debate about digital mediations in psychological treatments, given that a central axis in this is the alteration of the forms of corporal presentation of the clinician in the face of the conditions enshrined by the healing device. In the end, we seek to extract potential developments from the thesis for future research, especially the perspective of a theorization of the analytical experience that does not take the body away
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