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Mémoire de Maîtrise
Nom complet
Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker
Adresse Mail
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
São Paulo, 1991
Otta, Emma (Président)
Bussab, Vera Silvia Raad
Falek, Jussara
Titre en portugais
O lúdico e o agressivo na psicose infantil: contribuições da etologia a psicopatologia
Mots-clés en portugais
Resumé en portugais
Estudo observacional que descreve e analisa a ocorrencia dos comportamentos de agressao e brincadeira turbulenta em criancas psicoticas. Os ss sao 11 criancas, com idade entre 7 e 11 anos, de ambos os sexos, com diagnostico de psicose, frequentando instituicoes especializadas. Realiza 5 sessoes de observacao com cada crianca em situacao ludica, com duracao de 10 minutos cada, no local em que normalmente desenvolvem atividades recreativas. Utiliza contribuicoes da antropologia e da psicanalise na articulacao dos resultados. Verifica que os meninos interagem mais que as meninas; que entre as meninas e mais frequente a brincadeira turbulenta do que a agressao, ocorrendo o inverso com os meninos; ha modos preferenciais para a agressao (fisica) e para a brincadeira turbulenta. Constata oposicoes entre os dois comportamentos, tanto para padroes quanto para frequencia, cuja analise demonstra existir uma estrutura interna aos dois comportamentos, sugerindo uma relacao dialetica entre o simbolo e a imagem. Demonstra, parcialmente, a hipotese de que ha um predominio de linguagem iconica na psicose e que no interior dessa o comportamento se estrutura tal como essa linguagem, numa dialetica de ausencia e presenca e numa oposicao entre seus significantes comportamentais
Titre en anglais
The play and the aggressive behavior in psychotical children: contributions from ethology to psychopathology
Mots-clés en anglais
Resumé en anglais
Eleven children between de ages of seven and eleven diagnosed as psycotic were the subjects of na observational study. The research was looking for descriptions and ocurrences of the aggressive behavior and rough-and-tumble play. They were observed at two specialized institution. To the criteria of Blurton-Jones (1967) for rough -and-tumble new ones were added and also context variables were taken into account. Methodological problems linked to the question of the description in ethology and psychiatry were discussed as also the nosology tradition involved. Anthropological and psychoanalytical contributions were used on the articulation of results. It was verified that in general boys interact more than girls. Girls rough-and-tumble was more frequent than aggression. In the case of boys this differences did not appear. Boys are more aggressive than girls. Individual differences were great. There were preferential forms of aggression (physical) and of rough-and-tumble different for each sex. Oppositions shown between one and another behavior were found which refer to motor patterns and occurrences. This opposition was analysed to demonstrate an internal structure to both behavior which leads us to believe that a dialectical relationship exists between the symbol and the image. From this it suggested that behavior has the same structure as a language.
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