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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Fernando Machado de Mello
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 1993
Machado, Romulo (President)
Cesar, Antonio Romalino Santos Fragoso
Hackspacher, Peter Christian
Title in Portuguese
Contribuição à geologia estrutural da unidade porongos na sua localidade tipo: |a Contribuição à geologia estrutural da unidade porongos na sua localidade tipo região de Pinheiro Machado, Rio Grande do Sul
Keywords in Portuguese
Geologia Estrutural
Abstract in Portuguese
|a Contribuição à geologia estrutural da unidade porongos na sua localidade tipo |b região de Pinheiro Machado, Rio Grande do Sul
Title in English
Not available.
Keywords in English
Not available.
Abstract in English
Research was carried out on the rocks affected by the brasiliano episode of deformation, in the Uruguaio-Sulriograndense shield, localized in state of Rio Grande do Sul, BraziI. An area about 500 km², situated in the lithologies defined as the Porongos Series was mapped. The investigation was centered on the deformed granites and their relationship with a meta-sedimentary cover. In the map area there was one main event of thrusting of an crystalline sheet, in this work called the Granito-Gnáissico unit, over a miogeoclinal sequence, thought to be related to the Lavalleja Group, in Uruguai. On the course of the deformation the granite rocks suffered a large process of conminuition and mineral transformations, under a ductile regime, with expressive segregation of silica, sometimes with generation of tens of meters of quartz-mylonites. The study comprises mineralogical and petrographic aspects with particular emphases on microtectonic. In the field work, special-atention was given to define the kinds of foliations and lineations, to charaterize the kinematic pattern in the region. The sucessive deformation was iniciated by a period of compressive tectonics, with generation of a thrust system with a vergence to NNW, formed by duplex, imbricate fans and recumbent folds, within an oblique ramp, probably associated to an detachment zone. In this first group of structures the deformation was ductil and non-coaxial. In sequence, there were, at least two more events, wich caused refolding the older structures and generalized faulting and fracturing in the area, in brittle manner.
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