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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Ossama Mohamed Milad Harara
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2001
Basei, Miguel Angelo Stipp (President)
Hartmann, Léo Afraneo
Janasi, Valdecir de Assis
Mcreath, Ian
Pimentel, Marcio Martins
Title in Portuguese
Mapeamento e investigaçào petrológica e geocronológica dos litotipos da região do Alto Rio Negro (PR-SC): um exemplo de sucessivas e distintas atividades magmáticas durante o Neoproterozóico III
Keywords in Portuguese
Mapeamento geológico
Abstract in Portuguese
Estudos geológicos detalhados na região do alto Rio Negro permitiram a identificação de sucessivas e distintas atividades magmáticas durante o Neoproterozóico III, entre 630 e 585 Ma. As principais unidades geológicas mapeadas são: Terreno Gnáissico Granulítico (TGG), Suite Máfica Ultramáfica Piên (SMUP), Suite Granítica Piên-Mandirituba (SGPM), Granito Palermo (GP), Granito Agudos do Sul (GAS) e Granito Rio Negro (GRN). O TGG é constituído principalmente por ortogranulitos máficos e félsicos, metamorfisados em alto grau ao redor de 2060 'mais ou menos' 6 Ma (idades U-Pb em zircões esféricos), tendo permanecido estável e frio desde 1800 Ma (idades K-Ar e Sm-Nd) até o Neoproterozóico, quando ocorreu a sua reativação tectono-metamórfica. A SMUP é um ofiolito tipo SSZ (Supra Subduction Zone) incompleto, com peridotitos serpentinizados, serpentinitos, piroxenitos e gabros toléiticos formados em 631 'mais ou menos'17 Ma (idades U-Pb SHRIMP em zircões). A SGPM é constituída por três suites graníticas cálcio-alcalinas de alto K. A suíte granítica pré-colisional, formada entre 620 e 610 Ma (idades U-Pb em zircões), é constituída por quartzo monzodioritos e granodiorites sem epídoto magmático e deformados. A suite granítica sin-colisional, formada entre 605-595 Ma (idades U-Pb em zircões e titanitas), é constituída por quartzo monzodioritos, granodioritos e leuco-granodioritos com epídoto magmático e deformados. A terceira suite sin-colisional éconstituída por monzogranitos sem epídoto magmático e deformados. As idades K-Ar (biotita) entre 605 e 595 Ma em todas as suites graníticas indicam o período da deformação e do resfriamento da SGPM e representam o período da colisão nesta região. O conteúdo em elementos traços (alto Ba e Sr e baixos Rb, Nb, Ta, Zr e Y) das suites graníticas sem e com epídoto é compatível com granitos tipo I de arcos magmáticos (VAG). Os dados isotópicos (Nd, Sr e 'delta POT.18'O "Zrc") e litoquímicos mostram claras diferenças entre as suítes graníticas sem e com epídoto e sugerem rochas fontes máficas com maior e menor contaminação por componentes infracrustais paleoproterozóicos. O GP e o GRN são constituídos por monzo-sienogranitos, quartzo monzonitos/quartzo sienitos, monzogabros e rochas graníticas híbridas máficas e félsicas. O GAS é constituído por leuco-granodioritos a duas micas. As rochas híbridas exibem texturas típicas de mistura de magmas: quartzo ocelar manteado por anfibólio com biotita e piroxênio, concentrações máficas e texturas rapakivi e anti-rapakivi. Os monzo-sienogranitos, quartzo monzonitos/quartzo sienitos e leuco-granodioritos apresentam características mineralógicas, texturais e litoquímicas (baixos Al'ANT.2'O'ANT.3.', CaO, Sr, Ba, Eu e altos Rb, Ga, Ta, Nb, Th, Zr, HREE) típicas de granitos intraplaca (WPG) da tipologia A/PA. Os monzogabros apresentam características litoquímicas (alto conteúdo em elementos LILE e HFSE) típicas de basaltos intraplaca (WPB) ou basaltos continentais(CFB). Os dados geocronológicos (U-Pb em zircões) indicaram idades de 593 'mais ou menos' 12 Ma e 593 'mais ou menos' 6 Ma para a formação dos monzo-sienogranitos do GP e do GRN e idade de 584'mais ou menos' 7 Ma para a formação e o resfriamento dos monzogabros destas unidades. As idades K-Ar (biotita) entre 580 e 570 Ma indicaram o período do resfriamento do GP e do GRN e a estabilidade tectônica da região. Os dados isotópicos (Nd e Sr) para os monzogabros são compatíveis com basaltos WPB ou CFB originados do manto e com contribuição crustal, enquanto os valores de 'delta POT.18'O (Zrc) indicam somente a origem mantélica. Estes dados isotópicos sugerem ainda a geração dos monzo-sienogranitos, quartzo monzonitos/quartzo sienitos e das rochas híbridas por mistura entre rochas provenientes do manto e rochas infracrustais ou por fusão de monzogabros contaminados. As contínuas e distintas atividades magmáticas nesta região são respostas à mudança do cenário geotectônico, de ambiente de subducção e colisão continental transpressional para um ambiente transtensional tarde a pós-colisional. A SGPM é um arco magmático formado por subducção de uma crosta oceânica para NW. Como conseqüência do fechamento o oceano, da delaminação e da colisão continental entre a SGPM e o TGG, a SGPM seria deformada e a SMUP deformada e obductada, formando a zona de cisalhamento (sutura) Piên-Tijucas. O GP, GRN e o GAS são formados tardiamente e alojados em regime extensional tardi a pós colisional. Neste ambiente, estas unidades foram formadas por "underplating" e "intraplating" de fusões máficas originadas do manto que causariam fusão parcial da crosta inferior e produção e alojamento de granitos da tipologia A/PA misturados com rochas máficas. O ambiente geotectônico apropriado para este tipo de atividade tectônica e magmática seria esta região pré-suturada e delaminada.
Title in English
Not available.
Keywords in English
Not available.
Abstract in English
New and recente geological investigations around Piên-Tijucas (suture) shear zone led to the identification of successive and different Neoproterozoic magmatic activities between 630 and 585 Ma. These magmatic activities are continuous responses to geotectonic scenery, which changes from subduction to collision and to late and post-collision extensional settings. The main geological units that were mapped and investigated by geochronological and petrological studies are: Gneiss-granulite Terrain, the Piên Mafic-ultramafic Suite, the Piên-Mandirituba Granite Belt, and the Palermo, Agudos do Sul, Rio Negro and Tarumã Granites. The Piên-Mandirituba calc-alkaline I-type Granite Belt is a magmatic arc-relates toward NW subduction zone. The suture zonre results from oblique collision between the Piên-Mandirituba Granite Belt, to the north, and the reworked Neo-Archean-?Paleoproterozoic Geneiss-granulite Terrain, to the south. As a consequence, the Neoproterozoic supra subduction zone (SSZ) Piên Mafic-ultramafic Suite is tectonically emplaced between these units. The Palermo, Agudos do Sul and Rio Negro Granites are late to post-collision A-PA type granites with mafic rocks and magma mixing processes. The Piên-Mandirituba Granite Belt is formed by three main granite suites. The older (620-610 Ma, U-Pb zircon and titanite ages), pre-collisional granite suite is constituted by magmatic epidote-free deformed quartz monzodiorites to granodiorites and the younger (605-595 Ma, U-Pb zircon and titanite ages), sin-collisional granite suite is constituted by epidote-bearing deformed quartz monzodiorites, granodiorites and leuco-granodiorites. The third sin to late collisional granite suite is constituted by deformed biotite '+OU-' amphibole monzogranites. Trace element content such as Rb, Y, and Nb, are compatible with continental arc-related granites both for the epidote-free and epidote-bearing granite suites. Nd, Sr and 'delta POT.18'O (Zrc) isotopic data show clear diferences between both suites and suggest mantle-derived mafic sources (amphibolitic, basaltic), more (epidote-free) or less contaminated (epidote-bearing) by infracrustal paleoproterozoic component (Gneiss-granulite Terrain). The K-Ar biotite ages between 607-595 and represent the principal collision age. The Piên Mafic-Ultramafic Suite is an incomplete ophiolite sequence, composed by two ultramafic bodies tectonically emplaced along the Piên-Tijucas (Suture) shear zone and constituted by serpentinized peridotites, pyroxenites and rare tholeiitic gabbros. The supra subduction zone (SSZ-type) residual mantle characteristics are indicated by the lithochemical signature such as TiO2, Cr, Co, Y, and Yb contents of the peridotites. New U-Pb geochronological data (SHRIMP) on zircons of the tholeiitic gabbros yielded crystallization ages of 631-632 '+OU-' 17/18 Ma. The Palermo, Agudos do Sul, and Rio Negro Granites are components of the expressive Neoproterozoic volcanic and plutonic alkaline-peralkaline Serra do mar Suite (Kaul 1997), which was emplaced along the central and northern border of the Paleoproterozoic Gneiss-granulite Terrain, in extensional, late to post-collisional and anorogenic settings. The Palermo Granite is constituted mainly by non-deformed A-type amphibole-biotite and biotite'+OU-' amphibole monzo-syenogranites. Slightly peralkaline (PA-type), sodic amphibole- and pyroxene-bearing quartz monzonites/quartz syenites and small intrusions of monzogabbros associated with mafic and felsic hybrid granites occur secondarily. The Rio Negro Granite exhibits a concentric zonation characterized by the presence, in the internal portion, of a high quantity small intrusions of monzogabbros and associated mafic and felsic hybrid granite rocks. In the external portion occur non-deformed, A-type biotite '+OU-'amphibole monzo-syenogranites. The mafic and felsic hybrid granite rocks and associated monzogabbros occur more extensively in this granite than in the Palermo. The Agudos do Sul Granite is essentially constituted by A-type leucogranodiorites with low contents of biotite and muscovite and miarolitic cavities with fluorite. The main accessories minerals are zircon, titanite, and apatite. The A-type monzo-syenogranites of Palermo and Rio Negro are high silica (SiO2 70-80%), aluminous with low Al2O3, CaO, MgO, Sr, and Ba contents and high K2O, Rb, Ga, Ta, Nb, Zr, Hf, U, Th, LREE, and HREE contents, with high Eu negative anomalies. These whole lithochemical characteristics, clearly indicate intraplate signature that are similar to all Serra do mar volcanic and plutonic suite and to many world-wide A-PA type granites. The tarumã Granite represents the continuous magmatic activity between these contrasting I and A granite typology. The monzogabbros intraplated in the Palermo and Rio Negro granites are alkaline and the main trace elements such as Nb, Ta, Th, and Yb clearly indicate within plate signatures. U-Pb zircon dating yielded an age of 593'+OU-' 12 Ma for the monzo-syenogranites of Palermo Granite and 593.1'+OU-'6.3 Ma for the monzo-syenogranites of tjr Rio Negro Granite, interpreted as the crystallization age of these rocks. For the monzogabbros of the Rio Negro Granite, U-Pb zircons isotopic data yielded an upper intercept age of 584 '+OU- '7 Ma, interpreted as the crystallization and cooling of the these rocks. The ENd(T) and Sr87/Sr86(T) of the Palermo and Rio Negro monzogabbros are compatible with the contaminated intraplate and rift zone basalts. The same ENd(T) for the monzo-syenogranites, hybrid rocks and monzogabbros of the Rio Negro and Palermo granites suggest mixing, homogenization and infracrustal contamination and probably generation of A-type monzo-syenogranites by melting of the contaminated monzogabbros. The average 'delta POT.18'O (Zrc) 0f 5.5 per %0 for monzogabbros are similar to the amntle values and do not indicate crustal contamination or contribution. The Gneiss-granulite Terrain is constituted mainly by LILE depleted mafic and felsic orthogranulites and biotitic and amphibolitic gneiss. Biotite and amphibole-rich mafic orthogranulite also occur. Garnet-rich mafic orthogranulites occur mainly along the Piên-Tijucas shear zone. New U-Pb geochronological data on rounded and elliptical (potato-type) zircon of mafic and felsic orthogranulites yielded ages between 2.1 and 2.0 Ga, interpreted as representative of high grade metamorphism period in the Gneiss-granulite Terrain. In the mafic granulite, elliptical and rounded zircons yielded an upper intercept age of 2062 '+OU-' 65 Ma with a zircon concordant age of 2059 '+OU-' 6.6 Ma, when in the felsic granulites, rounded zircons yielded upper intercept age of 2.060 '+OU-' 19 Ma and the elliptical zircons yielded an upper intercept age of 2115 '+OU-' 31 Ma. The age around 2060 Ma of rounded metamorphic zircons in both mafic and felsic orthogranulites (or concordant rounded zircon age of 2059 '+OU-' 6.6 Ma) is interpreted as the age of high grade metamorphism peak. Elliptical and acicular zircons extracted from biotite and amphibole- rich chernockites yielded similar upper intercept age of 2200 '+OU-' 7.3 / 9.9. This age probably represents and indicates a previous high grade metamorphism. The time gap between K-Ar and the U-Pb rounded metamorphic zircon ages suggests a slow cooling path after the high grade metamorphism peak, in the Gneiss-granulite Terrain. This terrain remained tectonically stable until Neoproterozoic period, between 630 and 585 Ma, when its northern portion was heated (K-Ar ages) and involved by Neoproterozoic subduction, collision and post-collision tectonic-magmatic activities. Sm-Nd isotopic data indicate Neoarchean-paleoproterozoic depleted mantle Ages between 2.7 and 2.5 Ga and suggesting the principal period of the mantle differentiation of the gneiss and granulite protholites.
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