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Tesis Doctoral
Nombre completo
Laís Ferrer Amorim
Dirección Electrónica
Área de Conocimiento
Fecha de Defensa
São Paulo, 2020
Martins, José Rodolfo Scarati (Presidente)
Bleninger, Tobias Bernward
Fernandes, Cristóvão Vicente Scapulatempo
Nascimento, Nilo de Oliveira
Ortiz, Jayme Pinto
Título en inglés
Hydrodynamics and water quality assessment of lakes by termal behaviour and modelling.
Palabras clave en inglés
Hydraulic engineering
Lake's modelling
Lakes' hydrodynamics
Water quality
Resumen en inglés
This thesis is divided into five chapters, which explain the hydrodynamic and environmental modelling theoretical base, the hypotheses investigated in this work, the scientific contributions produced building the thesis and the suggestion to next researches.The context in which this research was built is described in the first chapter, along with the knowledge gaps and investigated questions. It presents the fundamental base, about lake hydrodynamic, water quality and mathematical modelling.The investigated hypotheses are described in chapters II and III. In the second one, the methods were applied in four different lakes to build a curve that describes the lake thermal stability, according to the atmospherical driving forces. Then, chapter III presents the quasi-3D model results in hydrodynamics, water quality, and bed material resuspension of two lakes. Chapter IV evaluates those two management tools in terms of reliability, quickness, types of results and complexity. Climate change simulations were performed in two lakes, aiming to demonstrate the use of those two tools.The final chapter brings the general discussions, the thesis main scientific contributions, and the directions to the next researches, along with the bibliography used in the work. The whole scheme of the thesis is demonstrated in Figure 1.
Título en portugués
Avaliação hidrodinâmica e de qualidade da água de lagos baseada no comportamento térmico e em modelagem.
Palabras clave en portugués
Engenharia hidráulica
Hidrodinâmica dos lagos
Modelagem matemática
Qualidade da água
Resumen en portugués
Sem Resumo em português
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