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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Diana Francisca Adamatti
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2007
Sichman, Jaime Simão (President)
Coelho, Helder Manuel Ferreira
Filgueiras, Lucia Vilela Leite
Jacobi, Pedro Roberto
Tori, Romero
Title in Portuguese
Inserção de jogadores virtuais em jogos de papéis para uso em sistemas de apoio à decisão em grupo: um experimento no domínio da gestão de recursos naturais.
Keywords in Portuguese
Jogos de papeis (RPGs)
Simulacao baseada em multiagentes (MABS)
Simulacao participativa multiagentes
Sistemas de gestao de recursos naturais
Abstract in Portuguese
Este trabalho propoe a definicao de uma arquitetura para incorporar jogadores virtuais em uma classe de Sistemas de Apoio a Decisao em Grupos (SADs-G), baseados na utilizacao conjunta de Simulacao Baseada em Multiagentes (MABS) e Jogos de Papeis (RPGs). Estas duas tecnicas, MABS e RPGs, vem sendo utilizadas de forma integrada ha alguns anos devido a capacidade de discussao e aprendizado dos RPG e da capacidade dinamica de MABS. Os jogadores virtuais definidos devem ter a capacidade de tomada de decisao e de comunicacao entre si e com os jogadores reais durante as negociacoes. Os principais aspectos discutidos neste trabalho sao: i) se os jogadores virtuais definidos possuem comportamentos nao-triviais perante aos jogadores reais; ii) se continua ocorrendo o processo de negociacao entre os jogadores, sejam eles reais ou virtuais; iii) se a realizacao de um jogo de forma eletronica (via computador) dificulta a interacao entre os jogadores. De forma a discutir estes aspectos, duas instancias de SADs-G foram implementadas no contexto da Gestao de Recursos Naturais, pois neste dominio o processo de negociacao e extremamente importante e complexo.
Title in English
Insertion of virtual players in role playing games to use in group decision support systems: an experiment in natural resources management.
Keywords in English
Group decision support systems
Multi-Agent-Based simulation
Natural resources management
Role Playing Games
Abstract in English
This thesis proposes the definition of an architecture to insert virtual players in a particular subclass of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), that uses Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS) and Role-Playing Games (RPGs) techniques in an integrated way. These techniques can bring interesting results, since it is possible to join the dynamic capacity of MABS with the discussion and learning capacity of RPGs. The defined virtual players must make decisions and communicate with each other and with the real players during the negotiation process. In this work, the main aspects discussed are the following: i) can virtual players have no-trivial behavior in the face of real players? ii) is the negotiation process between all players (virtual or real) still happening when virtual players are inserted? iii) do electronic games make more difficult the interaction between players? In order to discuss these aspects, two instances of GDSSs were developed in the natural resources management domain. This domain was chosen because its negotiation process is both very important and complex.
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Publishing Date
WARNING: The material described below relates to works resulting from this thesis or dissertation. The contents of these works are the author's responsibility.
  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, J. S., and COELHO, Helder. Using RPG and MABS to develop group decision support systems. Scientia (Unisinos) [online], 2007, vol. 18, p. 69-78. Available from: http://www.unisinos.br/publicacoes_cientificas/images/stories/Publicacoes/scientiav18n2/69a78_art02_adamati%5Brev%5D.pdf.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, Jaime Simão, and COELHO, Helder. An Analysis of the Insertion of Virtual Players in GMABS Methodology Using the Vip-JogoMan Prototype. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation [online], 2009, vol. 12, n. 3. [cited ]. Available from : <http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/12/3/7.html>

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, Jaime Simão, and COELHO, Helder. Using RPG and MABS to develop Group Decision Support Systems. Scientia [online], 2007, vol. 18, n. 2, p. 69-78. [cited 2013-01-18]. Available from : <http://www.unisinos.br/publicacoes_cientificas/images/stories/Publicacoes/scientiav18n2/69a78_art02_adamati[rev].pdf>

  • COELHO, Helder, ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, and SICHMAN, J. S. An Analysis of the Insertion of Virtual Players in GMABS Methodology Using the Vip-JogoMan Prototype. JASSS. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation [online], 2009, vol. 12, p. 7. Available from: http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/12/3/7.html.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, et al. JogoMan: a prototype using multi-agent-based simulation and role-playing games in water management. In Joint Conference on Multi-Agent Modelling for Environmental Management, Bourg St Maurice Les Arcs, 2005.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, J. S., and COELHO, Helder. Using virtual players in GMABS methodology: a case study in natural resources management. In 4th. European Social Simulation Association Conference (ESSA 07), Toulouse, 2007. Proceedings of the 4th. European Social Simulation Association Conference., 2007.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, J. S., and COELHO, Helder. Virtual players in RPG. In 1st. International Workshop on AI for Human Computing (AI4H´07), Hyderabad, 2007. Proc. 1st. International Workshop on AI for Human Computing (AI4H´07)., 2007.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, J. S., e COELHO, Helder. Utilização de RPG e MABS no desenvolvimento de sistemas de apoio à decisão em grupos. In 4o. Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC 07), Rio de Janeiro, 2007. Anais do 4o. Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC 07).Porto Alegre : Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2007.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, Jaime Simão, and COELHO, Helder. Virtual Players in RPG. In International Workshop on AI for Human Computing (AI4H), 1, Hyderabad, 2010.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, Jaime Simão, and COELHO, Helder. Virtual Players: From Manual to Semi-Autonomous RPG. In International Modeling and Simulation Multiconference (IMSM), Buenos Aires, 2007.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, Jaime Simão, and DUCROT, Raphaèle. Using Multi-Agent Systems and Role-Playing Games to Simulate Water Management in Peri-urban Catchments. In International Conference on Logic and Methodology, 6, Amsterdam, 2004.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, Jaime Simão, e COELHO, Helder. Jogadores Virtuais em Jogos de Papéis. In Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGAMES), 5, Recife, 2006.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, e SICHMAN, J. S. Inserção de Jogadores Virtuais em Jogos de Papéis para Uso em Sistemas de Apoio a Decisão em Grupos: Um Experimento no Domínio da Gestão de Recursos Naturais. In 6o. Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Inteligência Artificial (CTDIA'08), Salvador, 2008. Anais do 6o. Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Inteligência Artificial (CTDIA'08)., 2008. Resumo.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, J. S., and COELHO, Helder. Virtual players: from manual to semi-autonomous RPG. In International Modeling and Simulation Multiconference (IMSM´07), Buenos Aires, 2007. Proc. International Modeling and Simulation Multiconference (IMSM´07).Marseille : LSIS-UPCAM, 2007.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, J. S., e COELHO, Helder. Inserção de jogadores virtuais na metodologia GMABS: uma aplicação em gestão de recursos naturais. In 6o. Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial (ENIA 07), Rio de Janeiro, 2007. Anais do 6o. Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial (ENIA 07).Porto Alegre : Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2007.

  • ADAMATTI, Diana Francisca, SICHMAN, J. S., e COELHO, Helder. Jogadores virtuais em jogos de papéis. In V Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames 2006), Recife, 2006.

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