Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Alexandre Ferreira Dal Farra Martins
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2022
Betti, Maria Silvia (President)
Machado, Vinicius Torres
Ramos, Luiz Fernando
Redondo, Tercio Loureiro
Xavier, Ismail Norberto
Title in Portuguese
O transe brasileiro no teatro: dinâmicas de diferenciação e ascensão autoritária vistas da cena
Keywords in Portuguese
Bertolt Brecht
crítica da ideologia
ideias fora do lugar
política brasileira
teatro brasileiro contemporâneo
teatro pós-dramático
Abstract in Portuguese
A presente tese procura retomar parte da história do teatro brasileiro (sobretudo o teatro realizado no sudeste do país) nos últimos dez anos, particularmente a partir da ideia de que entre os anos 2010 e 2015 deu-se algo, que denominei aberturas, a que se seguiu um movimento de fechamento, ocorrido entre 2015 e 2017. Pretende-se entender em que medida e de que maneira certas dinâmicas que se deram no ambiente político do país nessa época influenciaram o território das artes cênicas. A partir do cruzamento entre conceitos pertencentes ao campo das artes, da literatura e do teatro, como o esquema das ideias fora do lugar de Roberto Schwarz, e conceitos que advém de outros campos do pensamento, sobretudo da antropologia, particularmente dos antropólogos Piero Leirner e Gregory Bateson, intenta-se abordar algumas obras teatrais importantes do passado recente brasileiro, no sentido de compreender a maneira como esses trabalhos por vezes operaram segundo lógicas que tais conceitos antropológicos explicitam.
Title in English
The Brazilian trance in theater: processes of differentiation and authoritarian ascension seen from the scene
Keywords in English
Bertolt Brecht
Brazilian politics
contemporary Brazilian theater
critique of ideology
misplaced ideas
post-dramatic theater
Abstract in English
The present thesis seeks to resume part of the recent history of Brazilian theater (especially the theater performed in the southeast of the country) in the last ten years, starting from the idea that between the years 2010 and 2015 took place, in that field, what could be called openings, followed by a closing movement, which occurred between 2015 and 2017. I intend to understand to what extent and in what way certain dynamics that took place in the country's political environment at that time influenced the territory of the performing arts. From the crossing between concepts belonging to the field of arts, literature and theater, such as Roberto Schwarz's scheme of the misplaced ideas for example, and concepts that come from other fields of research, especially anthropology, particularly anthropologists Piero Leirner and Gregory Bateson, it is intended to approach some important theatrical works of the recent Brazilian past, in order to understand how these plays sometimes operated according to logics that such anthropological concepts make explicit.
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