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Master's Dissertation
Full name
José Maria Rodrigues Junior
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2009
Koudela, Ingrid Dormien (President)
Garcia, Clóvis
Righini, Rafael Roso
Title in Portuguese
Festival estudantil Sesi Sorocaba de teatro
Keywords in Portuguese
Festivais de Teatro
Jogos Teatrais
Abstract in Portuguese
A pesquisa tem por objetivo mostrar como o Festival Estudantil fecunda as artes cênicas e instaura a participação no processo educacional, juntamente com o que ocorre no trabalho desenvolvido no Núcleo de Artes Cênicas do Sesi Sorocaba-SP. A intenção é refletir sobre a importância do teatro feito nos palcos escolares e estimular a reflexão de artistas, professoresartistas e indivíduos comprometidos com a arte, tendo como foco principal o teatro e a sua repercussão nos festivais estudantis. Para tal, foi usada a metodologia de pesquisa de campo, por meio de entrevistas a alguns grupos que participaram dos festivais de 2002 a 2008. O desenrolar da pesquisa revela que os Festivais Estudantis realizados em Sorocaba têm fornecido meios aos estudantes para agir e acreditar que são as pequenas coisas que os tornam únicos e interessantes. Eles estimulam a participação e promovem, por meio de práticas motivadoras, atitudes de alteridade, de cooperação e de conhecimento, permitindo aos jovens participar ativamente de suas responsabilidades com a escola e com a sociedade.
Title in English
Festival estudantil Sesi Sorocaba de teatro
Keywords in English
Theater Festivals
Theater Games
Abstract in English
The survey has the aim of showing how the Student Festivals nurture scenic arts, creating participation in the educational process, along with what is happening in the work carried out at the Núcleo de Artes Cênicas do SESI Sorocaba-SP (Scenic Arts Center from the SESI in Sorocaba). The intention is to reflect upon the importance of theater staged by school groups and to stimulate reflection on the part of artists, teacher-artists and individuals who are committed with art, with the main focus being the theater and its repercussion on student festivals. For this purpose, the field research methodology was used, by means of interviews carried out among some of the groups taking part in the 2002 to 2008 festivals. The outcome of such a survey shows that the Student Festivals held in Sorocaba have enabled students to act and to believe in the fact that small things are what make them unique and interesting. They motivate participation and foster, through motivating practices, attitudes of otherness, of cooperation and knowledge, allowing youngsters to actively participate in their responsibilities towards schools and society at large.
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