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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
José Roberto Neffa Sadek
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2006
Mourão, Maria Dora Genis (President)
Gatti Junior, José Soares
Moreira, Roberto Franco
Vieira, João Luiz
Xavier, Ismail Norberto
Title in Portuguese
Narrativas de ficção: interações entre filmes e telenovelas
Keywords in Portuguese
Cinema contemporâneo brasileiro
Linguagem cinematográfica
Narrativas de ficção
Abstract in Portuguese
Os filmes de ficção e as telenovelas são modalidades mais recentes do antigo hábito de contar e ouvir histórias. O cinema clássico desenvolveu normas e estratégias para organizar as narrativas. A telenovela se aproveitou de várias delas, assimilando algumas e modificando outras. Um grupo de filmes contemporâneos brasileiros aceitou algumas das características desenvolvidas pelas telenovelas e, ao mesmo tempo, herdou outras diretamente do modelo do cinema clássico, compondo um nicho de filmes bem recebido pela crítica e pelo público. Ao analisar obras do cinema clássico, telenovelas e filmes contemporâneos, as qualidades fundamentais do modo de contar histórias foram agrupadas em: organização da narrativa, personagens e protagonistas, e tempo e espaço.
Title in English
Storytelling: interactions between films and soap operas
Keywords in English
Contemporary Brazilian films
Film narration
Motion pictures
Soap opera
Abstract in English
Fiction films and soap operas are modern versions of the ancient habit of hearing and telling stories. Classic cinema has developed norms and strategies to organize narratives. Soap opera took advantage of these characteristics, has assimilated some and changed others. A group of Brazilian contemporary films have accepted some of these changes developed by soap opera, and, at the same time, inherited others directly from the classic model of narration. These films form a specific group well accepted by critics and public. Based on the analysis of classic movies, soap operas and contemporary Brazilian films, the narrative features were grouped as follow: narrative organization, characters and protagonists, and time and space.
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