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Dissertação de Mestrado
Nome completo
Gabriela Gonçalez Piai
Unidade da USP
Área do Conhecimento
Data de Defesa
Bauru, 2020
Banca examinadora
Vivan, Rodrigo Ricci (Presidente)
Cavenago, Bruno Cavalini
Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro
Palo, Renato Miotto
Título em português
Avaliação do comportamento mecânico do Reciproc Blue frente a diferentes anatomias e temperaturas
Palavras-chave em português
Temperatura corporal
Resumo em português
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o comportamento mecânico do Reciproc Blue R25 (VDW, Munich, Alemanha) frente a diferentes anatomias e temperaturas. Quarenta e oito molares inferiores foram selecionados, escaneados via microCT e padronizados. Os canais mesiais foram classificados seguindo o proposto por Ahmed et al 2017. Foram utilizadas as siglas MI (molar inferior) e Rm (raiz mesial) para todos os dentes variando apenas os expoentes referentes as quantidades de embocaduras, canais e forames. Foram utilizados os dentes classificados como MIRm1-1-1, MIRm2-2- 1-1, MIRm1-1-2-1-1, MIRm2-2-2. Estes foram divididos em 2 grupos: temperatura ambiente (20ºC) e corporal (37ºC). Utilizou-se 16 instrumentos Reciproc Blue 25.08 e 2ml de hipoclorito de sódio 1% a cada inserção do instrumento. Os dentes foram novamente escaneados e verificou-se a porcentagem (%) de: aumento de volume, superfície não tocada e remoção de dentina nas paredes mesiais e distal. Além da análise do transporte e capacidade de centralização. Foi realizado o teste torsinal nos instrumentos e estes analisados em MEV. O teste Shapiro-Wilk foi utilizado para verificação da normalidade entre as amostras. O teste Kruskal-Wallis seguido do teste Dunn foram aplicados para a análise da qualidade do preparo nas diferentes anatomias; e o teste t foi aplicado para as análises da qualidade do preparo e resistência torsional nas diferentes temperaturas de instrumentação. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Tendo como variável a anatomia, o menor aumento de volume e a maior quantidade de superfície não tocada ocorreu no MIRm1-1-1. A maior porcentagem de remoção de dentina em todos os grupos foi para distal, no terço cervical. Não houve diferença estatística com relação ao transporte e centralização. Com relação a temperatura, não houve diferença estatística no aumento do volume e superfície não tocada. O grupo da temperatura ambiente teve a maior quantidade de remoção de dentina para distal no terço cervical, assim como o maior transporte nesta região. Já o grupo da temperatura corporal apresentou maior centralização do preparo no terço cervical. A deflexão angular foi maior na temperatura ambiente. Conclui-se que a anatomia e a temperatura influenciam na qualidade do preparo, além da temperatura interferir na deflexão angular.
Título em inglês
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the mechanical behavior of the Reciproc Blue R25 (VDW, Munich, Germany) against different anatomies and temperatures. Forty-eight lower molars were selected, scanned by microCT and standardized. The mesial canals were classified according to what was proposed by Ahmed et al 2017. The acronyms MI (lower molar) and Rm (mesial root) were used for all teeth, varying only the exponents referring to the amounts of orifices, canals and foramina. Teeth classified as MIRm1-1-1, MIRm2-2-1-1, MIRm1-1-2-1-1, MIRm2-2-2 were used. These were divided into 2 groups: room temperature (20ºC) and body temperature (37ºC). Sixteen Reciproc Blue 25.08 instruments and 2ml of 1% sodium hypochlorite were used for each instrument insertion. The teeth were again scanned and the percentage (%) of: increased volume, untouched surface and dentin removal on the mesial and distal walls was verified. In addition to the analysis of transport and centralization capacity. The torsinal test was performed on the instruments and they were analyzed using SEM. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify normality between samples. The Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Dunn test were applied to analyze the quality of the preparation in the different anatomies; and the t-test was applied to analyze the preparation quality and torsional strength at different instrumentation temperatures. The level of significance adopted was 5%. With anatomy as a variable, the smallest volume increase and the largest amount of untouched surface occurred in MIRm1-1-1. The highest percentage of dentin removal in all groups was for distal, in the cervical third. There was no statistical difference regarding transport and centralization. Regarding temperature, there was no statistical difference in volume increase and untouched surface. The room temperature group had the greatest amount of dentin removal to distal in the cervical third, as well as the greatest transport in this region. The body temperature group, on the other hand, showed greater centralization of the preparation in the cervical third. Angular deflection was greater at room temperature. It is concluded that anatomy and temperature influence the quality of the preparation, in addition to the temperature interfering with angular deflection.
Palavras-chave em inglês
Body temperature
Resumo em inglês
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the mechanical behavior of the Reciproc Blue R25 (VDW, Munich, Germany) against different anatomies and temperatures. Forty-eight lower molars were selected, scanned by microCT and standardized. The mesial canals were classified according to what was proposed by Ahmed et al 2017. The acronyms MI (lower molar) and Rm (mesial root) were used for all teeth, varying only the exponents referring to the amounts of orifices, canals and foramina. Teeth classified as MIRm1-1-1, MIRm2-2-1-1, MIRm1-1-2-1-1, MIRm2-2-2 were used. These were divided into 2 groups: room temperature (20ºC) and body temperature (37ºC). Sixteen Reciproc Blue 25.08 instruments and 2ml of 1% sodium hypochlorite were used for each instrument insertion. The teeth were again scanned and the percentage (%) of: increased volume, untouched surface and dentin removal on the mesial and distal walls was verified. In addition to the analysis of transport and centralization capacity. The torsinal test was performed on the instruments and they were analyzed using SEM. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify normality between samples. The Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Dunn test were applied to analyze the quality of the preparation in the different anatomies; and the t-test was applied to analyze the preparation quality and torsional strength at different instrumentation temperatures. The level of significance adopted was 5%. With anatomy as a variable, the smallest volume increase and the largest amount of untouched surface occurred in MIRm1-1-1. The highest percentage of dentin removal in all groups was for distal, in the cervical third. There was no statistical difference regarding transport and centralization. Regarding temperature, there was no statistical difference in volume increase and untouched surface. The room temperature group had the greatest amount of dentin removal to distal in the cervical third, as well as the greatest transport in this region. The body temperature group, on the other hand, showed greater centralization of the preparation in the cervical third. Angular deflection was greater at room temperature. It is concluded that anatomy and temperature influence the quality of the preparation, in addition to the temperature interfering with angular deflection.
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