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Tese de Doutorado
Nome completo
Sandra Saraceni
Unidade da USP
Área do Conhecimento
Data de Defesa
São Paulo, 2020
Banca examinadora
Mazzon, Jose Afonso (Presidente)
Gomes, Leonardo Augusto de Vasconcelos
Nogueira, Antonio Roberto Ramos
Toni, Deonir de
Título em inglês
Open collaborative innovation process and their relationship with university-industry and innovation performance
Palavras-chave em inglês
Collaborative innovation
Competitor performance
Innovation performance
Knowledge transfer
Open innovation
Organizational performance
Resumo em inglês
This study explores whether, in the open innovation practices, the knowledge that flows across organizational boundaries, during the collaborative University-Industry process, can positively affect Innovation Performance, Organizational Performance and Organizational Innovation in the analysis across companies/industries in Brazil. This research employed an empirical study by use of the questionnaire survey method. The survey was conducted with employees from all sectors of the industry listed across 783 largest companies in Brazil. Using structural equation modeling (SEM) a proposed model was tested and validated based on the statistical analysis of the data collected from 504 employees from innovation departments. The main theoretical and impact contributions of the study to society are: a) to understand how companies in Brazil are organized to absorb and transfer the knowledge generated by collaborative projects between universities and companies; b) generate subsidies for public and private policies in the efficient use of collaboration between University-Industry, from the identification in the innovation activities of the manufacturing industry in Brazil. The theoretical contribution of this research is the creation of an integrative theoretical framework of theories and collaborative innovation processes, operationalized through the structural equation modeling for data analysis of twelve constructs (Knowledge Transfer; Intrinsic Motivation; Acquired Knowledge; Innovative Culture; Absorptive Capacity; Organizational Learning; Transformational Leadership; Knowledge Management; Organizational Innovation; Innovation Performance; Organizational Performance; Competitor Performance), based on dependency relationships, derived from open innovation theory, with the goal that companies and universities in Brazil improve their collaborative process. The management contribution of this research is that this framework can provide useful tools to deepen the understanding of Knowledge Transfers in the collaborative process between university and company, so that public bodies could create public policies in Brazil and that result in a closer relationship between them.
Título em português
Processo colaborativo de open innovation na relação universidade-indústria e a performance de inovação
Palavras-chave em português
Inovação colaborativa
Open innovation
Performance de concorrentes
Performance de inovação
Performance organizacional
Transferência de conhecimento
Resumo em português
This study explores whether, in the open innovation practices, the knowledge that flows across organizational boundaries, during the collaborative University-Industry process, can positively affect Innovation Performance, Organizational Performance and Organizational Innovation in the analysis across companies/industries in Brazil. This research employed an empirical study by use of the questionnaire survey method. The survey was conducted with employees from all sectors of the industry listed across 783 largest companies in Brazil. Using structural equation modeling (SEM) a proposed model was tested and validated based on the statistical analysis of the data collected from 504 employees from innovation departments. The main theoretical and impact contributions of the study to society are: a) to understand how companies in Brazil are organized to absorb and transfer the knowledge generated by collaborative projects between universities and companies; b) generate subsidies for public and private policies in the efficient use of collaboration between University-Industry, from the identification in the innovation activities of the manufacturing industry in Brazil. The theoretical contribution of this research is the creation of an integrative theoretical framework of theories and collaborative innovation processes, operationalized through the structural equation modeling for data analysis of twelve constructs (Knowledge Transfer; Intrinsic Motivation; Acquired Knowledge; Innovative Culture; Absorptive Capacity; Organizational Learning; Transformational Leadership; Knowledge Management; Organizational Innovation; Innovation Performance; Organizational Performance; Competitor Performance), based on dependency relationships, derived from open innovation theory, with the goal that companies and universities in Brazil improve their collaborative process. The management contribution of this research is that this framework can provide useful tools to deepen the understanding of Knowledge Transfers in the collaborative process between university and company, so that public bodies could create public policies in Brazil and that result in a closer relationship between them.
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