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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Leury Jesus de Souza
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
Piracicaba, 2021
Ruiz, Urbano dos Santos (President)
Budiño, Fábio Enrique Lemos
Hauschild, Luciano
Title in Portuguese
Efeito da suplementação de proteases sobre a digestibilidade e desempenho de suínos nas fases pré-inicial e inicial
Keywords in Portuguese
Farelo de soja
Protease ácida
Abstract in Portuguese
As proteases são enzimas capazes de melhorar a digestibilidade da proteína, reduzir o impacto de fatores antinutricionais, melhorando o desempenho de leitões na creche. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a suplementação de duas fontes de proteases sobre as digestibilidades e desempenho de leitões desmamados. Para a avaliação, dois experimentos foram realizados. No experimento I foram avaliadas as digestibilidades, ileal e total, de nutrientes e energia do milho e dos farelos de soja em 90 leitões, com peso vivo inicial de 13,52 ± 1,96kg. Os tratamentos foram: (i) dieta isenta de proteína (DIP); (ii) milho; (iii) milho com 0,05% de protease 1 (P1); (iv) milho com 0,01% de protease 2 (P2); (v) DIP+30% de farelo de soja com 46% de proteína bruta (FS46%); (vi) DIP+30% de FS 46%+P1; (vii) DIP+30% de FS46%+P2; (viii) DIP+30% de farelo de soja com 48% de proteína bruta (FS48%); (ix) DIP+30% de FS48%+P1 e (x) DIP+30% de FS48%+P2. No experimento II foi avaliado o desempenho de 288 leitões desmamados, com peso vivo de 6,49 ± 0,91kg. Os tratamentos foram: (i) dieta com baixa inclusão de farelo de soja; (ii) Dieta com alta inclusão de farelo de soja; (iii) Dieta com alta inclusão de farelo de soja + P1; (iv) Dieta com alta inclusão de farelo de soja + P2. Todos os resultados foram submetidos a análise de variância (ANOVA) e as avaliações dos efeitos das enzimas sobre os farelos de soja no experimento de digestibilidade foram efetuadas num esquema fatorial 2x3 (FS46% e FS48% x sem enzima, com P1 ou P2). Para os dois experimentos, quando identificado diferença na ANOVA, foi aplicado teste de Tukey para comparação das médias, ao nível de significância de 5%. No experimento I a digestibilidade ileal estandartizada dos aminoácidos dos farelos de soja foi superior (P<0,05) quando os leitões foram suplementados com a P2 (88,9% vs. 82,7%), quando comparado à dietas sem enzimas. No entanto, as proteases não melhoraram (P>0,05) a digestibilidade dos nutrientes do milho. No experimento II o peso dos leitões, aos 49 dias de idade, foi superior (P<0,05) quando se utilizou a protease ácida, em relação a dieta com alta inclusão de soja, sem enzima (15,09kg vs. 14,66kg). Porém aos 70 dias de idade não houve diferença entre os tratamentos no desempenho dos leitões. A protease ácida foi capaz de melhorar a digestibilidade do farelo de soja, principalmente quando se utilizou o FS46%. Além disso, o uso de protease ácida melhora o desempenho de leitões até os 49 dias de idade.
Title in English
Effect of protease supplementation on pig digestibility and performance in the pre-initial and initial phases
Keywords in English
Acid protease
Soybean meal
Abstract in English
Proteases are enzymes capable of improving protein digestibility, reducing the impact of anti-nutritional factors, improving the performance of piglets in the nursery phase. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the supplementation of two sources of proteases on the digestibility and performance of weaned piglets. For the evaluation, two experiments were carried out. In experiment I, ileal and total digestibilities fo corn and of two sources of soybean meal were evaluated in 90 weaned piglets, with an initial live weight of 13.52 ± 1.96 kg. The treatments were: (i) protein-free diet (PFD); (ii) corn; (iii) corn with 0.05% protease 1 (P1); (iv) corn with 0.01% protease 2 (P2); (v) PFD + 30% soybean meal with 46% crude protein (SM46%); (vi) PFD + 30% SM46% + P1; (vii) PFD + 30% FS46% + P2; (viii) PFD + 30% soybean meal with 48% crude protein (SM48%); (ix) PFD + 30% SM48% + P1 and (x) PFD + 30% SM48% + P2. The diets with soybean meal were evaluated in a 2x3 factorial scheme (SM46% and SM48% x without enzyme, P1 and P2). In experiment II, the performance of 288 weaned piglets, with 6.49 ± 0.91 kg of live weight, fed diets with low (15 to 26%) or high (22 to 35%) inclusion of SM46%, with or without P1 and P2 was evaluated. The treatments were: (i) diet with low inclusion of soybean meal; (ii) Diet with high inclusion of soybean meal; (iii) Diet with high inclusion of soybean meal + P1; (iv) Diet with high inclusion of soybean meal + P2. All data was submitted to ANOVA, and when differences were identified, the Tukey test was applied, at a significance level of 5%. In experiment I, the standardized ileal digestibility of the amino acids in soybean meal was improved (P<0.05) when the piglets were supplemented with P2 (88.9% vs. 82.7%). However, there was no effect when using proteases in corn diets. In experiment II, the weight of the piglets, at 49 days of age, was higher (P<0.05) when acid protease was used, in relation to a diet with high soy inclusion, without enzyme (15.09 kg vs. 14, 66kg). However, at 70 days of age, there was no difference between treatments in piglet performance. The acid protease was able to improve the digestibility of soybean meal, especially when SM46% was used. In addition, the use of acid protease improves the performance of piglets up to 49 days of age.
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