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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Carolina Scarpa Carneiro
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2012
Matera, Julia Maria (President)
Casagrande, Thais Andrade Costa
Cogliati, Bruno
Dagli, Maria Lucia Zaidan
Queiroz, Genilson Fernandes de
Title in Portuguese
Caracterização dos pacientes portadores de sarcoma de aplicação felino quanto ao escore de condição corporal, à origem de sua formação e ao microambiente de seu desenvolvimento
Keywords in Portuguese
Neoplasia felina
Sarcoma de aplicação felino
Sarcoma vacinal felino
Abstract in Portuguese
O Sarcoma de Aplicação Felino (SAF) possui características específicas pouco estudadas. A agressividade, com invasão profusa de tecidos adjacentes, bem como a presença de células anaplásicas em sua composição fazem do SAF um obstáculo a ser transposto, para obtenção do melhor tratamento. Sua etiologia e etiopatogenia ainda permanecem obscuras. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em determinar fatores prognósticos para o paciente portador de SAF, caracterizando-o quanto ao seu peso e escore de condição corporal (ECC), à origem e diferenciação da neoplasia por ele apresentada, bem como caracterizar o microambiente perineoplásico quanto à presença de células inflamatórias. Foram selecionados 46 casos de SAF, sendo 31 casos novos de pacientes e 22 casos reavaliados. Foi encontrada diferença significativa entre o ECC (p=0,001) e peso (p<0,001) de pacientes que apresentaram SAF e os do grupo controle. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre gênero e raça. A localização mais comumente acometida foi a tóraco-abdominal (78%). Quanto à origem, a maioria dos SAF apresentou-se como originada em células fibroblastos. Enquanto não houve marcação para componentes inflamatórios (CD3 e CD68), houve para receptor de quinase (c-kit), para Cox-2 e FelV. Não houve influencia dos parâmetros avaliados com as variáveis clínicas e com a sobrevida total. Houve influencia estatisticamente significante quando comparamos a invasão observada no exame de tomografia computadorizada e a escolha do tratamento instituído (p=0,019).
Title in English
Characterization of patients with feline injection-site sarcoma as body condition score and as to the origin of its formation and their microenvironment
Keywords in English
Feline injection-site sarcoma
Feline Neoplasia
Feline vaccine sarcoma
Abstract in English
The feline injection-site sarcoma (FISS) has specific characteristics which are little studied. FISS treatment is a hurdle to getting because of their aggressiveness, with profuse invasion of adjacent tissue, as well as the presence of anaplastic cells in its composition. Its etiology and pathogenesis remain obscure. This research aims to determine prognostic factors for patients with FISS, characterizing it as their weight and body condition score (BCS) and by the origin and differentiation of the tumor presented, along with characterizing the microenvironment peri-neoplastic for the presence of inflammatory cells. 46 cases of cats that presented FISS were assisted, with 31 new cases and 22 cases of patients reassessed. Statistical difference was found between the BCS (p=0,001) and weight (p<0,001) of FISS group and control group. No differences were found between gender and race. The region most commonly affected was the toraco-abdominal (78%). The FISS majority presented as fibroblasts origin, while no marking for inflammatory components (CD3 and CD68). There was marking for kinases cascade (c-KIT), for COX-2, and for FelV. There was no influence of the parameters evaluated with clinical variables and overall survival. There was a statistically significant influence when comparing the invasion observed in computerized tomographic examination and choice of the treatment (p = 0.019).
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Publishing Date
WARNING: The material described below relates to works resulting from this thesis or dissertation. The contents of these works are the author's responsibility.
  • CARNEIRO, Carolina Scarpa, et al. Sarcoma de aplicação felino. Semina. Ciências Agrárias , 2008, vol. 29, p. 921-932.

  • CARNEIRO, Carolina Scarpa, Matera, J. M., e CORTOPASSI, Silvia Renata Gaido. Planejamento cirúrgico em sarcoma de aplicação em felino. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia [online], 2006, vol. 58, nº supl.2, p. 56-56. Resumo. Dispon?vel em: http://journal.vet.ufmg.br - ISSN-1678-4162.

  • CARNEIRO, Carolina Scarpa, et al. Body condition score in cats with feline injection-site sarcoma. In World Veterinary Cancer Congress, Paris, 2012. 2nd World Veterinary Cancer Congress., 2012. Abstract.

  • CARNEIRO, Carolina Scarpa, et al. Effect of Doxorubicin in Feline Injection-Site Sarcoma (FISS). In 29th Annual Conference of the Veterinary Cancer Society, Austin - Texas, 2009. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Veterinary Cancer Society., 2009. Abstract.

  • CARNEIRO, Carolina Scarpa, et al. Histopathological Study of 17 Cases of Feline Injection-Site Sarcoma. In 30th Annual Conference of the Veterinary Cancer Society, San Diego, 2010. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Veterinary Cancer Society., 2010. Abstract.

  • CARNEIRO, Carolina Scarpa, et al. Retrospective study of feline sarcoma. In European Society of Veterinary Oncology Spring Congress, Turin - Itália, 2010. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Congress of the European Society Veterinary Oncology.Turin - Itália : School of Artistic Anatomy, 2010. Abstract.

  • CARNEIRO, Carolina Scarpa, et al. Three Dimensional Assessment of Sarcomas in Cats, Using Computerised - Tomography Coupled With Design-Based Stereology - A Case Report. In 15th Congress of the International Veterinary Radiology Association, Búzios - Rio de Janeiro, 2009. Proceedings 15th Congress of the International Veterinary Radiology Association., 2009. Abstract.

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