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Résultats: Montrant 10 de 241 à l'page 9 de 25
Mineralizations genesis associated with acid magmatism in the Papagaio artisanal...
From large rivers to the rock record: channel patterns, bedforms and a facies model...
Morphology and distribution of bedforms in the Amazon River channel in Jatuarana:...
Ichnology applied to the reconstruction of Neogene and Quaternary paleonvironments...
A formação Serra do Apertado (EOCAMBRIANO, RS) e seu contexto tectônico na evolução...
Sedimentary facies and C-O-Sr isotopic signature of the Tamengo Formation at the...
Strontium isotope stratigraphy and trace-metal geochemistry of the Ediacaran-Cambrian...
Cronologia e sedimentologia dos depósitos eólicos quaternários da Costa Leste ma...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 241 à l'page 9 de 25
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