Etudes Linguistiques, Littéraires et de Traduction en français
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 214 à l'page 1 de 22
French language teaching and learning in Brazilian school: memory, visibility and...
Les Fleurs bleues, by Raymond Queneau: the play of the signifier and the humor
History and culture on teaching-learning practices in French as a Foreign Language...
The language (auto-)biography in questions: analysis of trajectories of Graduation...
Translating is very dangerous. The two french versions of Grande sertão: veredas...
Rimbaud and the myth of the accursed poet in the Brazilian song (1980-2010)
Satirical humanism in Lima Barreto and Anatole France
Black beach, burning beach: reading the oral in Édouard Glissants Poétique de la...
The fait divers in teaching: influences of didactic sequences on the textual production...
Marcel Proust e a imprensa da Belle Époque: ethos, poética e imaginário midiátic...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 214 à l'page 1 de 22