Physique Théorique et Expérimentale
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 103 à l'page 4 de 11
Ultrafast pump-probe platform for broadband and polarization-resolved characterization...
A compilation of studies on random systems: measurements of correlation functions...
Study of cosmic-ray composition with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
On the physics of dissipative systems: classical dynamics and quantum dissipative...
Non-abelian excited modules in cosmic strings
Hydrodynamic studies of atomic fluids in quantum regime
On the geometry of Variational Quantum Algorithms: Hopf fibrations, entanglement...
Study of the formation of bismuth vanadate particles via hydrothermal synthesis:...
Investigation of the thermodynamic consistency of the concept of negative temper...
Observation of collective bistability in an ultracold cloud of strongly driven strontium...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 103 à l'page 4 de 11