Física Teórica y Experimental
Resultados: Listando 10 de 103 en la página 6 de 11
Opto-thermal Effects in WGM Microresonators
Causal modeling in high-order scenarios: unfolding mechanisms by moving across s...
Thermodynamics of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates, in ideal and interacting gases,...
Studies of microscopic nonequilibrium stochastic dynamics in optical tweezers
Suppressing information storage in a structured thermal bath
Disorder, low-energy excitations, and topology in the Kitaev spin-liquid
Page-Wootters mechanism: the role of coherence and finite sized clocks
Technical thermodynamics of an inhomogeneous gas around the Bose-Einstein transition...
Bond dilution induced random-field mechanism in a frustrated Heisenberg model
Quantum purification to include environmental noise in the investigation of the concept...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 103 en la página 6 de 11