Química Orgánica y Biológica
Resultados: Listando 10 de 175 en la página 9 de 18
Structural and biological studies of guanidine alkaloids from marine sponge Monanchora...
Structural-functional study of NBD (Nucleotide Binding Domain) and the PBD (Peptide...
Isolation, identification and derivatization of secondary metabolites from marine...
A new methodology for synthesis of lignina models by O–H insertion reaction...
Enzymatic hydrolysis of nitriles by the fungus of marine origin Aspergillus sydowii...
Diversification and increasing of fomactin production by the fungus Biatriospora...
Quantum Chemical Explorations into the Biosynthesis of Pentacyclic Triterpene Fr...
Structural and functional characterization of the construction of the human Hep1...
Enzymatic promiscuity of lipases in synthesis of aldols and 2H-chromenones
Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Dipeptidyl nitrile inhibitors of...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 175 en la página 9 de 18