Economía de las Instituciones y del Desenvolvimiento
Resultados: Listando 10 de 69 en la página 3 de 7
Productive struture and economic growth under external constraint: an empirical ...
Study on the control of horizontal concentration acts: analysis of the theoretical...
Evolutionary observations in a developing model with unlimited supplies of labor
Insurers versus providers in the health field
Institutions, political voice and educational backwardness in Brazil, 1930-1964
The natural gas distribution market: competition and access price
GATT/WTO: an institutional analysis
The rigidity of nominal prices in the city of São Paulo: evidence based on microdata...
The second negation of the work process
Taylor rule and the aswer of interest rates fron inflation in Brazil
Resultados: Listando 10 de 69 en la página 3 de 7