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Economic History

Results: Displaying 10 of 454 on page 14 of 46
World-economy and history's structural writing. A Fernand Braudel's study
Educação feminina numa instituição total confessional católica: Colégio Nossa Senhora...
Looking for a Brazilian Revolution - itineraries of Movement for the Emancipation...
Debt Crisis during the Military dictatorship in Alternative Press: An analysis of...
Nationalökonomie in the tropics: German economic thought in Brazil (1889-1945)
Paths to the advent of São Paulo School of Apprentice Artificers (1910-1930): a Project...
Development of technology in coffee production in Sao Paulo and Ribeirao Preto, ...
Edmar Bacha and Pedro Malan: visions of a peripheral high modernity - economics,...
Brazilian politics and Latin American economic integration: of the ABC Pact to the...
Results: Displaying 10 of 454 on page 14 of 46
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