Physics of Elementary Particles
Results: Displaying 10 of 33 on page 3 of 4
Study of Anomalous Couplings between Quárticos Gauge Bosons at Future Accelerato...
rede euclidiana, teoria quântica de campos, modelo sigma não-linear, simulação, configurações...
Influence of the Chern-Simons field on renormalization properties of the model ('fi'...
Analysis of quantum evolution of inhomogeneities in curved spaces
Present and spectroscopic properties of phosphines, nitriles and their hydrogen bonds...
Methods and applications of the dynamics between quantum subsystems
Gravitation of einstein-cartan revisited
Algebra of nonlocal charges in two-dimensional models of the classical theory of...
Aspects of the foundations of quantum mechanics: stochastic processes and analogy...
Hamilton's principle for dual electrodynamics
Results: Displaying 10 of 33 on page 3 of 4