Physics of Elementary Particles
Results: Displaying 10 of 33 on page 2 of 4
Optimization of two-mechanical-mode transducers for gravitational wave detectors
The nucelar sigma term in the Skyrme model
Hadroproduction of the charmed baryon ' IND.C' in the experiment SELEX-781
Probability of detecting a rapidity gap in the production of the Higgs boson
Pion-nucleon form factor: chiral symmetry and constituent quarks
Looking for Some Evidence of Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Some applications of scalar fields in cosmology
Studies on theories with Chern-Simons: equivalence between models and Aharonov-Bohm...
Study on the non-relativistic limit in Field Theories in 2 +1 dimensions
Studies in quantum electrodynamics in 2 +1 dimensions
Results: Displaying 10 of 33 on page 2 of 4