Physical Activity and Health
Results: Displaying 10 of 57 on page 5 of 6
Sport talent: A systematic review
Cheerleading in the Olympic Games: new perspectives for the Brazilian sports sce...
Built environment and physical activity in Latin American Countries: systematic ...
The City Sports and Leisure Program (PELC) and the promotion of leisure: a case study...
Management of public swimming pools in the municipality of São Paulo
Transfer of performance between real and non- immersive virtual environment in post-stroke...
Cognitive aspects and apolipoprotein E polymorphism in sedentary leisure-time individuals...
Influence of motor competence, aptitude and family perception of public safety in...
Relationship of psychophysiological responses to physical effort with body composition,...
Functional performance in Modified Induced Restraint Therapy in real and virtual...
Results: Displaying 10 of 57 on page 5 of 6