Médecine /Technologie et Cardiologie Interventionnelle
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 124 à l'page 7 de 13
Study of bioresorbable coronary PLLA stents models coating with PLDLA/PLGA and hialurônic...
Randomized trial of percutaneous coronary intervention after administration of rosuvastatin...
Comparative study of electrophysiological parameters of endocardial septal stimulation...
Volumetric analysis of intra-Drug-eluting stents intimal hyperplasia in diabetic...
Vascular ultrasound compared to intravascular in the diagnosis of iliac venous obstruction...
Relationship between prior use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and serum...
Prevalence of atrial thrombi and spontaneous contrast in patients with atrial fibrillation...
Simplified two-phase description for the non-Newtonian flow induced hemolysis in...
Cardiovascular Risk Stratification for Patients Treated with Drug-eluting Stents:...
Long-term prognostic predictors after percutaneous mitral balloon commissurotomy...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 124 à l'page 7 de 13