Arabic Language, Literature and Culture
Results: Displaying 10 of 20 on page 1 of 2
Le " chevalier maladroit Ismaili": une étude sur la présence des Maures das Le L...
Commented translation of the Kitb Alfirsa (Book of Physiognomy), written by Arrz,...
Orientalism in the Brazilian press: the representation of Arabes and Muslims in the...
In the path of Nights: "Les quatre talismans" by Charles Nodier and Les mille et...
Analysis of cultural guides from the area of negotiation under the light of Cultural...
Ibn_Rusd: the notion of ta'wil no Fasl almaqal
Cultural diversity of Syria through music and dance
Lebanese in São Jose dos Campos: the history of those who immigrated between 1950...
A thousand and one Arabic verbs: A lexicographical proposal
Humour in the anecdotes of Juha
Results: Displaying 10 of 20 on page 1 of 2