Psychology: Cultural Processes and Subjectivity
Results: Displaying 10 of 70 on page 1 of 7
Discourses about Arabs and Muslims in the History textbooks of the Adventist Education...
The inclusion of sexual diversity in the University
Appreciative inquiry of the psychologist's performance at the social assistance reference...
Displacements and (in) discourse: a material analysis of the political and the journalistic...
Processes of production of subjectivity about childhood and pedagogical practices...
From the image of a dead child to Unheimlich
Gay subjects in social network(s): the discourse on dating applications
The clinical structures in the work of Jacques Lacan: intertwinements of the real,...
Youth in the rural context: perspectives on school in the process of life projec...
Alternative Education? A descriptive study of a free private educational institu...
Results: Displaying 10 of 70 on page 1 of 7