Trastornos Genéticos del Desenvolvimiento y Metabolismo
Resultados: Listando 10 de 102 en la página 9 de 11
Pharmacogenetic evaluation in patients treated with drugs for smoking cessation
Anti-fibrotic effect of SPARC protein in cardiac fibroblasts (Potential mediator...
Mutation analysis of genes involved in differentiation and maintenance of germ cells...
Evaluation of the influence of fibroblasts on the maturation and induction of cardiomyocytes...
Identification of protein targets with potential diagnostic and prognostic in coronary...
Evaluation of metformin and liraglutide treatment in murine pancreatic steatosis...
Psychological profile of patients with congenital hypopituitarism
Molecular mechanisms involved in endothelial phenotype in response to physical and...
Evaluation of metabolic syndrome in patients with Takayasu arteritis
LIN28B, KISS1 and KISS1R genes analysis in children with idiophatic central precocious...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 102 en la página 9 de 11