Química Orgánica
Resultados: Listando 10 de 98 en la página 5 de 10
Evolution of sesquiterpene lactones in angiosperms
Modifications in the cyano-group, in aliphatic nitriles, by replacing α, β,...
Studies on the hydration of detergents
Studies of the ester aminolysis in the presence of reversed micelles
Síntese de reatividade de complexos de ferro com ligantes homocíclicos de caráter...
Kinetic resolution in nucleophilic substitution reactions mediated by phase transfer...
Secondary metabolites of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze
Limonoids and protolimonoids of Trichilia elegans ssp. Elegans A. Juss. (Meliace...
α-Sulfinyl thioesters: synthesis, Pummerer and elimination reactions; ^...
Distribution of lignoids and poliketides in fruits of Virola elongata (Benth.) Warb....
Resultados: Listando 10 de 98 en la página 5 de 10