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Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

Results: Displaying 10 of 115 on page 3 of 12
Intensive (P-T-fO2) crystallization parameters of Alto Paranaíba kimberlites and...
Mineralogia e Petrologia de xenólitos mantélicos da Província Kimberlitica de Juína,...
Estrutura, litoestratigrafia e metamorfismo do Grupo Carrancas na frente orogênica...
Petrologia e Mineralogia de rochas graníticas e gabrodioríticas dos plutons Palermo...
Geotectonic study of the southeastern Dom Feliciano Belt in southern Brazil and its...
Thermal history and fluid circulation in deformational structures associated with...
Stratigraphy and petrogenesis of the paleoproterozoic volcanic sequences in the São...
Results: Displaying 10 of 115 on page 3 of 12
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