Études Biodynamiques de l'Éducation Physique et du Sport
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 86 à l'page 2 de 9
Acute effects of static and dynamic stretching on running mechanics
Effect of aerobic training on morphology and barrier function of the intestinal mucosa...
The effect of physical exercise interventions on the cost of dual-task gait in older...
High-intensity interval exercise and air pollution: analysis of effects for the cardiovascular...
Effects of exercise training on insulin resistance, endothelial function and skeletal...
The influence of different cushioning systems of sports shoes on running economy...
Effects of dynamic resistance training, isometric and combined (Dynamic + Isometric)...
Reproducibility of post-exercise hypotension and its hemodynamic and autonomic m...
The dynamics of brain frequency bands and neuromodulation response during cognitive...
Role of aerobic physical training on the CSE/H 2 S/miR-34c-3p axis in the heart of...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 86 à l'page 2 de 9