Setton, Maria da Graca Jacintho
Results: Displaying 10 of 18 on page 1 of 2
Socializations of young music teachers in the university graduate of music education...
The modern school socialization: a study on the construction of the belief in digital...
Private schools in the suburbs of São Paulo: an analysis of coloniality of power...
More and more political education in Brazil: a case study on electoral campaign marketing...
Ethnographic studies on socialization for sexuality of youth and the faith: "come...
Childhood particularities in the social complexity: a sociological study on children...
Socialization for the citizenship: limits and possibilities in the universe of Not-Governmental...
Protestant religious culture and schooling development within popular layers: a study...
Silence of teachers? A sociological interpretation on the absent voice of teachers...
Billionaires at school: a study of educational family philanthropy
Results: Displaying 10 of 18 on page 1 of 2