Homem, Maria da Graça Naclerio
Results: Displaying 10 of 25 on page 1 of 3
Comparative study of cellular interactions between four types of dental implants
Pre and transoperative evaluation of different occlusal registrations in subjects...
Effect of low level laser therapy on viability of different cell types submitted...
Effect of different concentrations of alendronate on the viability and proliferation...
Analgesic efficacy of codeine phosphate 30mg association with paracetamol 500mg after...
Efficacy of postoperative analgesia and adjuvant anesthetic action of local tramadol...
Histological evaluation of bone repair in through-in-through defects of mandibular...
Quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of mass suturing as a method of local...
Comparative analysis of body mass index and other factors of surgical difficulty...
Development and evaluation of an electronic health record of the Oral Surgery service...
Results: Displaying 10 of 25 on page 1 of 3